video of James reading with commentary |
Out of almost 8 billion people, the people in front of you are who God has chosen to help you grow, heal and awaken. They have volunteered so that you could project onto them and better understand your internal condition. What response other than gratitude would you want to offer to such beings? Be it for a moment, day or lifetime, you have chosen each other to help you recall who you are in truth. Each person is in your life to help you recall your divine nature. You are all spiritual beings who had the courage to choose the physical experience. You have come here to help heal and awaken this world. With this goal in mind, you have pledged a part of your life on Earth to the people around you, and they have pledged a part of their life on Earth to you. Would you really want to sacrifice and waste such a precious offering, gift and opportunity? No longer waste it away to the ego’s mindset of judgment, anger, resentment, revenge and guilt. Today, honor the blessing in front of you. Honor the time you will spend in each other’s presence by dedicating it to being and expressing the love that you came here to be. As you practice seeing only the loving truth in each other you will become a beacon of light to those who are lost. We do so by choosing to forgive or overlook anything that the ego has programmed us to see. Instead we focus only on their eternal loving essence, who God created them to be. Today, our choice is clear. We can either view another person through the ego’s delusional programs or as God created them. The ego’s program will attached us to judgment, anger, resentment, revenge and guilt. God would have us aligned with forgiveness, compassion, peace, joy and understanding. The choice that you value most in any situation is always the choice you will end up experiencing.
Being all One, if you cannot see yourself in another then you are not recognizing your whole-self. Each and every person ‘out there’ is in reality a reflection of your internal condition. If you cannot see the ‘other’ is simply a reflection of your beliefs then know the ego is hiding the truth from you. If you are unconsciously hiding parts of yourself from yourself you will feel confused, lost, alone and incomplete. Being all One we are not nor could ever be strangers to each other or separate from ‘others’ in any real way. Today, when you look upon your sisters and brothers look deeply into their eyes and see yourself reflected in them. Can you not see yourself in their eyes? Does seeing your reflection in their eyes really mean nothing to you? Allow your soul to connect with theirs. Bless them and as you do feel this blessing flowing through, healing and awakening you to who in truth we all are, One. Today, with your whole heart and soul thank them for their service to you. Thank them for helping you awaken, appreciate and begin to experience your whole self. That is all your brother and sister are, parts of yourself, calling on you to recall that we are all One. They are helping us recall the possibility of Heaven on Earth. That is all your loving Heavenly Father/Mother is, a Universal Shepherd, an Eternal Guardian, helping you return those lost parts of yourself back Home.
Today, let us allow no lost sheep to be left to wonder in the wilderness alone. We are all God’s sacred and perfect creations, all of us worthy of being found. Today through our interactions with each other let us assist one another in recalling who in truth we are.
Today, let us rejoice for we have come to a special place in our awakening process. Now, judging so-called ‘others’ is becoming a less useful or necessary tool for us. The less necessary a tool becomes the less we will use it and the smaller part of our experience it will become. Soon, our true destination will be within reached. Today, thanks to the person before us we will become the living representatives and expressions of Love, of our Oneness here on Earth. The more people we recall as a part of ourselves the greater our light will shine and the more expansive our circle of compassion will become. Today, when the ego once again demands we judge self or others as less than who in truth we are let us simply say to it the following: “My sisters and brothers are no longer strangers to me. I now acknowledge that our gift to each other, is each other. Today, I stop buying the ego’s fairy tale of separation and loneliness. I now acknowledge and value all my brothers and sisters as aspects of myself, and as parts of the Whole-Self. Today, I support and witness to all I meet that they and I, as God’s creations, are One. Today, when I look at any woman I see her as my daughter, sister or mother. When I look upon any man, I will behold in front of me my son, brother or father. This is in truth who we all are, One family, One with God Who Is All. Today, by seeing everyone as a part of ourselves the Universal Family once again unites and shines bright. Today, we see the Sun shining equally on everyone. The more we see others as who they truly are the more we will reinforce within our own minds that we all equally worthy of God’s Love. We are all forever worthy of being One with, and representing our All-Loving Source.”
Today, remember that everyone “out there” is simply reflecting the ideas and beliefs that you hold about yourself. If you find yourself judging the person before you, do not be hard on yourself. Instead, simply recognize that this is not the truth in you who is thinking such thoughts. Then make the conscious decision to take back control of your mind from the ego. You take back control by aligning your thoughts with the loving Mind of God. Forgiveness, compassion, peace and understanding are all signs of one who is aligned with the Mind of God. Each and every time we interact with or think of our brothers and sisters, they are offering us the opportunity to choose and unite with our true nature, and thus to be One with and represent our All-Loving Source on Earth.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and/or on our social media pages. We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages. |
Every person that comes into our lives comes as a test to help us get closer to god . .which is our own state of love it does not mean we get closer to that person but to god who shows the way,
Thank you missn for your comment.
When a person seems to deserve judgment, but we instead forgive, we come closer to God.
Anytime anyone through their words or actions seem to move us in the direction of fear, but we instead consciously choose to move in love’s direction, we move closer to God.
Anytime we show mercy instead of condemnation, we heal a part of ourselves and in doing so open ourselves to God.
Today, let us thank, not condemn, all those individuals and situations who are helping us practice choosing God’s truth and love instead of the ego and its delusional mindset.
Peace. JBC