Daily Inspiration: October 30. Forgiving the Past and Setting Ourselves Free

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Today, with the help of forgiveness, let us practice smiling upon everyone from our past. Our smiles will become this world’s victories. Our smiles will help remind others that the gates of Heaven, even here on Earth, are open to us all. What would a past without the weight of judgment and anger feel like? Today, no one from our past remains without the gift of peace that forgiveness offers. As we set others free from our judgments, we liberate ourself from having to live with and carry those heavy burdens. Today, when you think of someone from your past and judgmental thoughts pop up, then know that you are lugging around these heavy burdens. When such moments occur, no longer put yourself or others down for it. Instead, see it as an invitation from the Universe to represent your All-Loving Source through forgiveness.

Your Source is Love. Some of Love’s expressions are those of peace, joy, love, compassion and freedom. These energies, when you offer them to others, help free you from your past. It is we who have imprisoned ourselves through our own judgment-centered thoughts. Yet thankfully it is also we who can free ourselves from the prison within our own minds. Let us no longer cower back to the ego’s dark and lonely shadows of the past. If we have brought this message into our lives then it is the Light and all the Light represents that we are here to recall, become and share. Let us no longer carry a burden that has never been ours to bare. Let us recall the cross has already been overcome. Today, free yourself from the ego’s grip and mindset. By doing so, through forgiveness, you can show others how they too can begin to heal and experience the peace of true freedom.

It is we and we alone who have to carry and live with the heavy and burdensome thoughts of our past. It is we and we alone who must decide if anger, judgment, resentment and guilt are really worth the self-harming effect and weight they have on us. Today, let it be through forgiveness we start to clear our past and thus setting it, others and ourselves, forever free. Imagine, if there was someone in your life who was part of a process that helped you free yourself from the heavy burdens of your past judgments. Would you not want to offer them gratitude for the part they are playing in freeing you from that pain? That pain you have for so long unconsciously, silently and secretly, carried, held, and hidden within? It is never as the ego would have you think. Your brother and sister are not holding you hostage to your past. It is only you who through the choices you make and the thoughts that you think about and focus on that can do that. Today, let us take personal responsibility for the thoughts we are supporting within our minds that are holding us captive to the past. It is only we who can truly free ourselves from the thoughts we hold within. It is only we who can finally say to ourselves: “Enough is enough. I have held unto these judgments long enough. I am sick and tire of carrying the past. Today, I forgive and consciously visualize and feel myself handing all my judgments over to God. As I do so I watch and feel them dissolve in His perfect loving light. Today, I finally acknowledge that it is only I who can through judgment hold myself a prisoner to my past. It is only I who can through forgiveness, set myself truly, forever and finally free.”

Today, it is we who finally decide that, as God’s creations, we are worthy of the peace and freedom the choice to forgive the past offers us. For so long, we have unconsciously felt unworthy of peace and freedom and thus why we have failed to forgive. For so long we have felt that anger, judgment, resentment, guilt and pain where normal, natural and proper responses to God’s children. But now we say: “Enough is enough. We have made ourselves, others and this world, suffer long enough.” Once we truly awaken there will no longer be a need to remain asleep. Only those who remain asleep would choose to keep on holding unto their judgments and thus reliving their nightmares. Once you have chosen to awaken, once you have chosen to truly forgive yourself and others, it is then that your nightmares will end. It is then that their power over you will begin to diminish and finally fade away. Once awaken, once we have forgiven, we will look back at the nightmares we once suffer so long under and see them for what they truly were, just a dream. Now they are simply that a dream we no longer need dream. Today, let us awaken, we have slept long enough. It is now time we help through forgiveness to remind our brothers and sisters of their true everlasting loving essence and nature. It is now time we invite others through forgiveness to recall what they as God’s creations are here to become, accomplish and share. We are all here to be and share the Love that God is. We are here to be, share and show that all of us are worthy of experiencing all of Love’s expressions. We are here to represent God, the light within us all. We are here to remind others that creating a Heaven on Earth is indeed possible for all of us together to achieve.

Today, when the ego demands that you judge someone from your past, calmly decline. Then do the opposite of what it demands, and forgive. Note that as you forgive, you heal. As you heal, you feel inner peace. Today, the people the ego had you judge and condemn are the same ones who, through forgiveness, will help you heal and find freedom and peace. Imagine no longer having to use or carry the ego’s judgment, anger, resentment, hate and revenge. It is through our own thoughts that we became imprisoned. It is also through our own forgiving thoughts that we will be set free. Today, forgive and hand all of your judgments, pain and suffering over to God. Feel them lifting off of your shoulders and dissolving in His loving light. Do so and experience the freedom and peace that, as God’s children, we are all forever worthy of.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (4)

Thank you James. I’m free…..

Thank you Mary for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

This post is incredibly inspiring and transformative. THANK YOU!!!

Thank you Jen for your kind words.

Peace. JBC

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