Daily Inspiration: October 7. Creating a Kinder World

As unconscious as it may sometimes appear to be, we are in a constant state of creating the world we are experiencing. God is Love and All, and thus a loving world is always just a simple choice away.  If we are not seeing the world as it has been offered to us by God it is not because we are evil or not spiritual enough. This occurs simply because we have bought into a false narrative of Reality. We have bought into a sort of fairy tale within God’s non-fiction story. Having free will we always have the right to view and create the world we think we need and want to see and experience. The false narrative says that anything apart from All, Love, God is real.  For example, if we are choosing to see our world through anger, then our thoughts, words, actions, reactions, and interactions will reflect that effort. In this manner, it make us feel ‘right’ within the dream. Do not despair, we are not doomed to forever follow a false narrative. The false narrative is not natural to who in truth you are. Sooner or later, after playing in the mud long enough, you will begin to figure out that it is not there where you belong. Today recall that even when playing in the mud, Reality, God, Love, is always but a choice away. Today, let us use this greater self-awareness to leave a world of anger behind. Let us instead begin to create a kinder world. Today, let us try to in each moment and interaction take that one extra step to be kind. There are dozens of opportunities throughout our day to be kind. We can offer a thoughtful compliment to a coworker or family member. We can make that call we have been putting off. We can open the door for someone.  We can allow another car into our lane.

Let us also pay very close attention and make mental notes when we miss an opportunity to be kind. Let us learn from those experiences so that we can be more kind next time such an opportunity presents itself. As more kindness surrounds our thoughts, words, emotions, actions and interactions, our circle of kindness expands. It is in doing so that we begin creating a kinder world for all.

How often have we deep down inside desired a kinder world, friends, family, and society? Why keep on waiting for this kinder world to manifest itself when you yourself, as God’s creation, can become its creator. Now instead of desiring a kinder world start creating it. Your world is design and fuel by the thoughts you think and the words you use. This then fuels the emotions you support, the actions you take, the reactions you have, and how you choose to interact with those around you. Right now you have the world you unconsciously feel you deserve and need to experience. If this is so then would it really be that hard to become conscious, align with Love,  and begin to create the world you truly want? Today, focus your thoughts on all the expressions of kindness. Then begin to see and feel your world begin to reshape itself to fit into your efforts. For example, say you increase your expression of kindness in your thoughts, words, actions and interactions by 20%. Would that not begin to shift your view of the world, and lift your interactions with self and others to a higher level of consciousness? If you shift your surroundings, and how those in it interact with you by 20%, would they, being in truth all One with you, not be able to  do the same? Understanding this, how long would it really take to change this world? Just imagine if people dedicated themselves to being 20% more kind each and every day? If this shift is possible for you then it is not impossible for those around you or for this world?

Today, let us make it a conscious and concerted effort to practice taking extra steps to be kind. The more self-aware, conscious and dedicated we are to our goal, the more natural and desired these steps will become. Throughout the day ask yourself: What would a kind person do in this situation? How would a kind person interact with the individual in front of me? What thoughts would a kind person think about this person and situation right now? What kind act can I do for another? Imagine becoming this ray of light, this energetic expression of kindness to all those you interact with. Imagine, just a few of your friends, family members and colleagues, getting, appreciating and being moved by your kindness. Imagine the kind of life that through your example you could lead them towards. Is such a life not worth the effort? Imagine them, through your example, being inspired to shift the way that they themselves live, act and behave. Then imagine a few of their friends, family members and colleagues, being touched and blessed by this new behavior. Would they then not desire to also search for the light within them? Imagine those people also now choosing to consciously be more kind. Imagine, little by little the world around you beginning to change simply because you made the conscious choice to be a little more kind each day. Would you not begin to attract those who were touched by, appreciated and thirst for your type of expression of life? Would they not be drawn and inspired to follow your example and lead? Can you start to envision how your world and experience on this planet can begin to shift? Today, simply direct your thoughts, words, emotions, actions and interactions, in the direction of kindness? This can either be a lovely thought you read or your new reality; it’s your choice.

Today, let us make a concerted effort to align with the energy of kindness. Before every interaction remind yourself: “Today, my primary goal is to be kind. When I am with another, I am being sent to them to offer them my kindness in any way that I can. I now ask Kindness to help guide me. Father, what would you have me think, say and do? I now allow Kindness to guide my thoughts, to speak for me, and to act through me.” Anytime you feel yourself shifting away from the energy of kindness, catch yourself doing so. Then consciously realign with your goal. The more you practice doing so, the less time you will spend out of alignment with the energy of kindness. By doing so, you will begin to create the kinder world you have been longing to achieve, experience and enjoy.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (4)

Thank you james..a good video, I would also like to see you tackle some of the tough stuff like passive aggressive behavior manipulation , codependence . .all part of the human condition .

Thank you missn for being a member of our community.

Will be interesting to see and hear what the Universe is going to offer us in the future.

Peace. JBC

Thank you for your e-mail I totally agree this world can be a kinder place even if its just a smile to a stranger this is a practice I do very time I find some looking at me I smile right back at them which causes a ripple effect as they in turn smile back at me. I hope this little act sends the loving nature out into our world.

sending ((((((HUGS))))) is also one of my things too

with a kind Heart from me to you

Thank you Donna for your comment and for being a member of our community.

Indeed, every act of kindness ripples endlessly throughout eternity.

Peace. JBC

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