Daily Inspiration: September 10. What is Success?

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


In the world of duality, success can be measured a hundred ways and failure a thousand others. In reality, Truth or Oneness, you achieve success simply through your participation in the life experience. You experience growth, and that is what you have come here to do. If you accomplish what you have come here to do, then you have succeeded. In that sense, there is no more need to ever have to talk about the delusional concept of being a successful human being. Both the concepts of success and failure are fabrications of the ego. They were both conceptualize in order to try to place limitations and parameters around sacred nature of the path that you have co-designed with the Divine. You are Perfection’s creation, you can not fail. If you understood the perfect nature of your path, then you would know that each and every step of it was exactly what you needed it to be. You would understand each step as serving your growth, healing and awakening process. If you knew Who walks with you, hand in hand along the way, fear and failure would be seen as impossible. Being all One, if you truly understood this of your own journey, you would see this same blessing in everyone’s journey. Everyone’s journey is perfect for them, thus they are all in essence symbols of “success”. Now knowing this, what need would you ever again have to waste away your time judging anyone’s journey? What need would you ever again have to become anxious or worried about your own? Despair, judgment, anxiousness and worry, are all simply symbols of our lack of understanding, that and nothing else. No longer despair. The big bad wolf can not blow your house down. You have co-designed your journey with the Divine. You can not lose. You forever walk hand in hand with the Creator of the Universe. Today, trust this, and both the concepts of success and failure will begin to fade away before our light and understanding. My dear friend, no longer waste your life away investing in false concepts. Simply, love the best way you know how, in each and every moment, and then place your full trust in God. Know that Perfection only creates perfectly, and be at peace knowing that you are His creation. Today, allow your state of peace to become a symbol to others that you are indeed aligned with the Divine plan, a signal, symbol and sign of everlasting “success”.

How much of our blood, sweat and tears, have we already sacrificed to trying to achieve some delusional version of success? How much of our time, focus and energy, have we already wasted away chasing some never ending finish line? How many times have we thought that we reached this imaginary finish line, found some temporal moments of peace of mind and joy, to only then feel them slowly fade away? Then, how many times has another different looking finish line appeared in the far off distance, promising that this time, if you reached it, you would find what you seek? Seek but do not find, that is the endless deceptive dance of the ego. When will we finally figure out that there is no need to run or participate in the ego’s rat race? How many more people must we push down, set aside, make suffer and hurt, trying to reach what this world’s mindset makes unreachable? When will we stop looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? When will we stop selling our souls for little pieces of paper strips and metal disks? Today, let us recall, that we have all been gifted free will. We no longer need to follow or travel down dead end roads that thanks to our life experience we now know lead us nowhere. Today, let us see false concepts such as ‘being successful’ as cartoonish in nature. All such false concepts and fairy tales are creations of the ego, made in order to keep us focus on its mindset and working tirelessly on its behave. Would it not be nice to finally get off the ego’s hamster wheel? Would it not be wonderful to finally be able to breathe deeply and find true rest, relief and reprieve? Today, know that there is nothing “more” or “extra” you need do. Simply be the love that you already are. Today, when you can remember to do so, align with your loving nature, offer that love to all those God sends your way, and feel what true “success” feels like. Today, know that your simple participation in this life experience is a symbol of God’s trust in you, of everlasting success.

Today, let us no longer invest our time, focus and energy, into the ego’s false concepts, programming, pressures, deceptions and lies. Let us instead learn to use such self deception and imaginary characters for our benefit. Now, let us learn to use these false concepts to trigger in us the desire to align with the love that we were created to be. Love’s expressions such as those of passion, compassion, generosity, service, peace and joy, are why we are here. Being all One, we are here to accept them for ourselves by offering them to others. Anytime we want to ‘feel’ successful, all we need do is focus on and express the love that we were created to be. It will be such actions, these daily victories of the Light over the darkness, that will reenergize, purify, and magnify, the light in us. By being love, let us ‘successfully’ serve as an example to others, that their hopes, desires and dreams, are indeed within reach, within them right now. Let us simply be and share love in our own unique ways. That is all we are being asked to do in order to make sure that when we return Home, we do so with our arms wide open and your head held high. Imagine, no longer having to carry the heavy burdens and pressures of an imaginary mindset, others, or this world. Imagine, no longer wasting your precious time, striving for shiny objects of all shapes and sizes. Objects that the ego’s world would insist you must obtain in order to be seen as or feel successful. Imagine, instead focusing that time and energy on gently growing as a representative of God on Earth. Imagine, through your example, using your growth and life experience to help light the way, and smooth the path, for your brothers and sisters. Do you not think that God would be proud of you for your efforts? Would knowing that God is proud of you not make you feel like a complete “success”?

Today, let us practice letting go of the old tired, stress-producing ideas of what success is. Let us instead relax and recognize that, because we have co-created our journeys with Perfection, our journeys can not be anything other than successful. Let us also drop our need to feel like a success to others. Let us recall that our journeys are perfect and unique to us, their journeys are perfect and unique to them, and thus comparisons are useless. Being God’s creations, within us now is all we need to accomplish what we have come here to do. When this is understood, what further need would you have to waste your time and energy judging yourself and others for the way we choose to grow? You are here to grow, in essence to more consciously and consistently share the love that in truth you already are. Every day, move in Love’s direction. Simply use the energetic expressions of Love that the moment and those in it are requesting. Do so, and rest assured and at peace, that you are “successfully” accomplishing your mission here on Earth.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages.


Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (8)

Thank you for destroying the ego MOMENTARILY!

Thank you Suhas for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

This has been my life and what I seek to overcome because of dancing to someone else’s tune and in the process of that missed out on God’s tune altogether.

Thank you Missn for being open to the message.

Every day remind yourself that you are God’s creation, God’s child, the extension of Love in physical form. Then look to practice aligning with those aspect of love that feel most natural to you, and offer them to all who are bought into your presence. Do so, consciously align with God, with the love that you are, and share it with others in order to accomplish what you have come down here to do.

Peace. JBC

Success to me is ‘being’ ethical and integrity-focused and standing in one’s own (well, spirit given/driven) inherent power with courage, and not depending on outside influences for validation and appreciation – certainly not depending on substances of any kind that purportedly ‘give you’ strength and courage and instead listening within. Developing that art of listening within may take time in a world that has become dependent on distraction and substances, typically more so if we are extroverted personalities. If there are mental health issues, or addiction issues, having the courage to seek the most appropriate help and to even speak out publicly to deter a sense of shame developing. We are all given challenges to overcome and you may not see what my challenge is, but trust me – few – if any – get away with a spotless life. It is having the courage to face our challenges and to seek the right help when these surface, first from within and when needed, from without. Discernment in terms of this help, who – what – where – when -why, is needed also. Success is facing life with an ever expanding inner/spiritual life – and recognizing self judgement for what it is. When we judge ourselves we judge others, they go hand in hand. When we judge either ourselves or others we bring negative energy our way – like beckoning dark clouds to our energy fields. ‘Let s/he who is without sin cast the first stone’ serve as a reminder. Success for me is all of this, and then secondarily what I do to make a living. Success is being able to listen to our inner guidance – when we are mentally healthy – and having the courage to follow the prompting. Quiet, meditation, silence and contemplation can help in this effort.

Thank you Jane for your detailed well thought out comment and for being a member of our community.

Indeed it is wise to focus within, look for those aspects of yourself that are symbols and expressions of Love, and then practice choosing those over the ego’s judgment centered programs that bring you nothing but pain, confusion and regret.

Let us all, practice every day, releasing ourselves form our own self-imposed limits, by courageously aligning with are All-Loving Source, and offering all others the view of what a world without the ego’s judgments can look and feel like.

Thank you for your input.

Peace. JBC

Thank you dearly,today I will be as mindful of my Dear Father every moment.When I fall back into the worlds minsat of success,failure,right and wrong,when I judge others these will be simple reminders to get back on the God track and love and cherish my sisters and brothers.The Holy Spirit I trust will lead me in this Blessed way today.Peace,Joy,Love,forgiveness and knowing without fear of misunderstandingthat I am holy.Happy day to you!

Thank you Donna for your comment and for being a member of our community.

Indeed, it is wise of you, when you find yourself buying into the ego’s mindset of success and failure, judgment and anguish, not to judge or put yourself or others down for forgetting who we in truth are. Instead, use these feelings and emotions as trigger mechanisms, that show you that you are somewhere within your mind, where you do not belong. Then re-center yourself by consciously aligning with your loving nature, and offer your loving nature to all who God sends your way.

Peace. JBC

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