Daily Inspiration: September 17. You Will Never Be Judged By Anyone’s Truth

God is Love and All, thus judgment is not a real aspect of the Truth in us. Anything that is in seeming opposite to Love does not represent the Truth in us. Anything in seeming opposition to All, is in truth nothing, not real. It is only when we buy into the ego’s mindset, its programs and fairy tales as real, that the false concept of judgment seems rational and right. Wisdom is not judgment, it is the relinquishment of judgment, of letting go of what was never real nor true. Our truth, the love within us, can never judge. Equally so, the truth in others can never truly judge us. Only when we are buying into a lie as true can we believe that we can make nothing into something. If the truth in others can not judge us, then there is no need to defend ourselves against other people’s judgments. When we think we are upset because others have judge us, we are not really upset at them or their judgments. Their judgments are not real. Who we are really are upset with is ourselves for buying into lies about us as true. Only the sleeping part in us, that believes in the ego’s dreams, can ‘act’ upset at nothing. The ego being nothing, is always doing nothing. Nothing cannot upset us, unless we believe that nothing is something. Nothing cannot do anything to everything, to All. Illusions cannot do anything to or affect Truth. When the truth in us fully knows itself, illusions cannot affect it. If the truth in us is not fully aware of itself then yes, illusions can affect it. The ego will only ever appear and feel as real as we think it is. The more we think the ego and its mindset are real, the more they can affect us. The less we believe the ego and its mindset are real, the less they will affect us. Thus, what affects us is not what the ego says or does, for that is inconsequential, what affects us is if we believe that what the ego says or does is real or not.  

The only thing your truth can ever truly do is love. The only thing you can truly do to others, and they to you, is love each other. Forgiveness as an expression of Love is real, thus the truth in them, has not only not judged you, but also has already forgiven you. Once you fully awaken to your true nature, even forgiveness will not be needed. For what need would you have to forgive something like judgment that in truth is not even real. When you awaken and recall that only love is real, what need would you again have for judgment or forgiveness?  The awaken mind, has recalled that judgment is nothing, and so it does not need to react to or defend itself against it. The awaken mind simply overlooks what was never there. It is only that part of you that remains asleep, the ego-self, that sees judgment as real. Yet, let us not despair, for we can only remain asleep for so long, buying into the ego’s nightmares as real. Soon we will tire of sleeping, and choose to awaken. When we awaken, we will no longer need to judge those who sleep. We will simply allow them to sleep as long as they think they need. We now know that sooner or later they too will get tired of sleeping and awaken. When the sleeping mind awakens, it will equate judgment to nothing. But until our brothers and sisters awaken, they will carry around their judgments of self and others until they get sick and tired of that weight and burden. When they finally realize that what they carry they do not need, it is then that they will awaken. Soon, they too will realize that judgment, regardless of how much false power it seems to give them, offers them nothing they truly want.

Today, let us no longer waste away our lives investing in judgment. When we do we literally get nothing in return for our investment. Instead, let us simply learn to use such instances to remind us that like everything else that is in seeming opposition to Love, it is nothing, and thus has no true value. Nothing, is not worthy of our time, focus, energy or effort. Let us instead invest our time, focus, energy and effort, on becoming the physical representative of Love on Earth, of what is truly real. Today, when others judge us, let us no longer buy into nor fuel their fantasies. Instead, let us remember that in reality they are doing nothing to us. Understanding that in truth they are doing nothing to us, let us smile lovingly upon them, as we would do when we see a child playing some imaginary game. Our smile, will in no way be condescending in nature, will not in any way put them down or raise ourselves above them. Our smile, will come from a place of perfect peace, love, understanding and gratitude. Our smile will come from this sacred place because we now know that all they are in truth doing is helping us recall that only the truth, the love in us, is true. The more we get to practice viewing them through love’s lens, the more they are helping us recall and reinforce our loving nature. What else but gratitude could we ever have for a brother or sister who is only helping us recall who in truth we are? Someone who is helping us practice being the love that we in truth are deserves our gratitude, not our judgment. Today, let us recall the love we feel as we watch our children sleep. Then let us thank our children for showing us how to lovingly look upon all our brothers and sisters, who can only judge us while they dream.  

Today, when others judge us, let us recall that because God is Love and All, the truth in them can only love us. Their judgments of us can therefore not be real nor true. Let us then thank them for offering us the opportunities to practice no longer investing in the false as true. Now awaken, we no longer need to  defend ourselves against some imaginary thought or dream that someone else is having of us. Today, if others seem to be doing anything other than loving us, let us recall that they are simply dreaming. Let us not join them in their dreaming for only in dreams can the false appear to be real. Only if we ourselves are sleeping and buying into their dreams as real can we in turn condemn them and judge them back. Today, all we need do to be at peace and properly represent Love on Earth is to see nothing as nothing, and thus overlook what was never real nor true.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (8)

Inoi ki taku atua arohatinonui Kia koutou

I have been praying for you to help me put all of that into words 🙏 for so long thank you so much ❤️ Aroha tonu Koe

Thank you Sarah Lee for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

Peace. JBC

Thank you. I needed this.

Thank you Donna for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

When we are taking those judgements and criticism too seriously . .it is a good sign we are identifying too much with our bodies and not enough with our soul. I think we can tell where we are at based on our ability to love and BE love . ..if we can’t do that we have attached ourselves too much to this world .

Thank you missn for being open to the message.

Being Love’s creation, only the love in you is forever real and true.

Today, consciously in each interaction, be and share the love that you were created to be and share, and you will have the energy of love flowing through you and throughout your day.

Peace. JBC

This post has opened my eyes, just a little, enough to realize and understand that all things in due time will always return to love; because everything is a form of love being expressed in different ways. So instead of responding in anger, love that judgmental person in return. Their judgments do not and will not ever define the person you were, are currently, or will be. Forever and always, just love.

Thank you Myonna for your comment, for being open to the message and a member of our community.

You are forever Love, and because we are all One, so too is everyone who is ever presented to you.

Today, let us recall that each moment and interaction is a gift from God to us, and if we open this gift and appreciate it for what it truly is, it becomes a gift from us to this world.

When we forgive those the ego would demand we condemn, we will find and reflect the state of peace where the ego only saw darkness and despair.

Peace. JBC

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