video of James reading with commentary |
The ego has programmed us to view this world and those in it through it’s judgment-centered mindset. The ego uses the eyes to focus on the physical aspects of the body (what it looks like, says and does) and constantly judges them as right or wrong. The ego calls judgment wisdom, and thus has taught us to believe that the more we can judge something or someone, the wiser we are. We have already seen and experienced the consequences of viewing the world and those in it through the ego’s judgment-filled eyes more than enough times. This way of viewing the world has brought us nothing but frustration, anger, pain, resentment, regret, guilt, shame and thoughts of revenge. If this is what seeing this world through the ego’s eyes brings to us, why do we keep supporting its so-called sight as real and true? Why do we keep on punishing others, and because we are all One, ourselves, by choosing to see this world and others through the ego’s incomplete and conflict centered mindset? When will we decide to end our suffering and say to ourselves: “Enough is enough”? If you are here reading this message, then that time is now. Do not despair. There is a kinder, gentler and more productive way of viewing and understanding this world. The ego has done its best to try to hide this other way from you. The ego has hidden this other way of seeing, because if you chose this other way, you would learn how unreliable and false the ego’s so-called sight is. This other way of viewing this world is experienced when we decide to focus on the eternal instead of the temporal, through God’s eyes instead of the ego. By viewing the world through God’s eyes, we focus on and see everyone’s eternal loving essence and nature, and overlook or disregard any little silly temporal games that the body plays within time.
Today, let us accept and enjoy God’s inheritance. We do so by choosing to see only the eternal in each other as real and true. Today, simply overlook the false, the temporal, and focus only on the truth, the eternal. Our truth is love and it’s expressions. Everything else is illusionary in nature. Today, let us choose to see only a person’s eternal loving essence, who God created them to be. Let us choose to overlook or forgive the body. It does not matter that body’s name, color, size, actions and reactions. All that matters to us when we desire to truly see is to recall that God created them, that God is Love, and thus so too must the truth in them be love. It does not matter who the ego says they are, or how worthy or valuable the ego has programmed us to perceive them to be. In order to see as God sees we must practice keeping our focus on only their eternal essence and nature. Today, let us make the conscious decision to view this world only through God’s, Eternity’s eyes. By doing so we rise up and out of the ego’s fairy tale and become the heroes of our own journeys. Today, let us all rise up from the dust and ashes that represent and are but symbols of our bodies. They are but the temporal vehicles the ego has sold to us as being our home. Let us align with our eternal light, and shine and extend this light onto all those who God sends our way. When we see and align with the eternal in others, we are in essence aligning with the Mind of God. When we do so we represent God, Love here on Earth. Peace of mind, joy, compassion, forgiveness, love and understanding, these are all signs and symbols that we are aligned with the eternal. This shows that we are fully in the present moment, the eternal now, instead of repeating the ego’s past programs and patterns.
Today, let us become a blessing that stretches through the false idea of time to the true nature of eternity. Today, let us enter Timelessness, in conscious alignment with The Divine. We do so by using Eternity’s eyes to look upon all those that travel along our sacred path. We focus on the eternal sameness in our souls, the unchangeable love that is everyone’s everlasting essence. Today, it does not matter to us what the body looks like, says, or does. Today, we focus only on supporting our brothers and sisters light instead of their shadows. Being all One, this also reinforces the light within us. Today, the separate and lonely orphan that the ego has programmed us to see now becomes God’s child, our eternal companion. When we decide to focus on love, we will see love. The more we practice overlooking the body and focusing on a soul’s eternal loving nature, the more natural this way of seeing becomes. The more natural it becomes to see through God’s eyes, the more we will, because we are all One, remember and support our own innocence. The more we make innocence our focus, the less guilt we will produce, hold unto and carry within. It will be in a world free from guilt where a Heaven on Earth will begin to flourish. Free from the burdens of judgment and guilt, now peace of mind and joy surround us in their soft embrace. Being a constant part of such a world will make us grateful to God. Now, gratitude becomes a sign to us that we are actually seeing this world as it was created for us to enjoy. Understanding that we can begin to view this world through God’s eyes, through the eternal in us, let us allow our example begin to light the way for those who are currently finding it too dark to see.
Today, let us practice seeing this world and those in it through God’s eyes, in alignment with the eternal in us. Let us overlook or forgive the silly little games that a body plays within time, and focus only on the soul’s eternal loving essence. Our brothers and sisters are not what they think, say and do, they are God’s eternal loving creations. God is Perfection and only creates perfectly. When we see others only as they were created to be, we see only their perfect nature. Today, let us place our focus only on the eternal sameness in each other. God sees in you only His perfect creation. Seeing others through Eternity’s Eyes is in essence viewing them with compassion, mercy, peace and grace. By choosing to see others through God’s eyes, we finally get to see them exactly as our Creator created them.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
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To be in this world but not but not of it . We are not our bodies….attachment…we are souls.
Indeed missn, to be in this world but not of it.
Today, let us be and share with all others, only our eternal loving essence and nature.
Peace. JBC