video of James reading with commentary |
There are two primary ways we view this world. One is seeing it through our Creator’s, Love’s, eyes, which is our natural way of seeing. The other is through the ego’s eyes, which is the way we have been programmed by the ego to view this world. Viewing this world through Love’s eyes helps us see it as it was meant for us to see, experience and enjoy. This way of seeing serves us and all those around us. Viewing the world through the ego’s eyes only serves the ego. When we are not seeing the world through our Creator’s eyes, we are not creating as we were meant to create. We are here to be and share love and its expressions. Compassion, peace, joy, forgiveness and understanding, are some of Love’s expressions that we have come here to represent and share. When we are not doing so we feel off-balance, confused, not at peace nor fulfilled. Do not judge yourself or others for seeing the world through the ego’s eyes, for that is what the ego would want you to do. The ego would want you to judge yourself because judgment is its fuel source. Simply learn to more quickly recognize when you seeing through eyes that are not truly yours. Eyes that are out of alignment with your loving nature. Then simply choose once again, this time in alignment with your loving nature. Thanks to free will, we always have the right to see this world as we so choose. We design the world we see through the mindset we support. If you do not like what you are seeing and experiencing, do not focus on changing others or this world, instead go within to its source, and focus on your beliefs, on changing your own mind. When you change your way of thinking, the world itself will begin to reflect your new mindset. When you are seeing through the ego you are creating the world the ego wants. You, the truth in you, does not want the world the ego wants. This is why you don’t feel fulfilled, at peace, or in control, following its directions.
Loneliness, sadness, anger, anxiousness, hate and regret are all ego responses, not yours. Being not yours, not reflective of the truth in you, these energies and emotions are all programmed responses, and thus not in alignment with your loving nature. They have been programmed into us by the ego as being normal and natural behaviors. It does this in order to try to make us believe that the ego is real and that God is not. God is Perfect Love, and thus if we believe ourselves to be something other than the creation of Prefect Love then we will unconsciously feel unworthy of God. This way of thinking chains us to the ego, in this dualistic world our seemingly only other option. We are God’s creations and God being Perfection only creates perfectly. Let us no longer accept as real, thoughts and emotions that seem to separate us from thinking in alignment with the Mind of God. Let us no longer, through our thoughts, words, emotions, actions, reactions and interactions, support the ego’s mindset as real. Let us no longer buy into a false story about ourselves and others as real. This delusional mindset needs correction not condemnation. Once you correct your thinking, what is left in its place is the peace and joy of God. The peace and joy of God are your true nature, essence and Home. When you are not feeling at peace and joyous, it is not because you are not worthy of them. It is simply because you are buying into the false as true. Do not put yourself or others down for thinking the false is true. Simply recognize that through your thinking you have done this, and then through your thinking undo what you have done. Learn to use such situations to practice better understanding that the ego’s mindset is offering you nothing you truly want. Then align with Love and His expressions, such as those of peace and joy, and allow them to become your guides and constant companions.
Today, when the ego and its programs try to once again take control of your mind, way of seeing and creation, remind yourself: “I am the creator of the world I see. If I no longer want what I am experiencing, I can stop supporting these thoughts. I have free will. I now choose to no longer support thoughts and emotions that don’t support me. This day is my canvas. This present moment is my paint brush. Through my thoughts, I will now paint the picture of the day and world I wish to see.” Understand that the ego will not give up easily. It has already invested a lot of time and energy having you buy into its fairy tale as true. When it’s thoughts again pop up, remain calm, and do not despair. Simply recognize that in the world the ego created, it will almost always answer first and loudest. Begin to recognize when it is thinking for you and thus defining your experience. Then take back control of your own mind by aligning your thoughts with the love that you are. When you are aligned with Love, you are doing what you came here to do – fulfilling your mission on Earth. Today, when you think: “What do I want?” know that the ego will probably answer that question before your truth does. That’s ok, let it answer. But then take control by asking yourself the follow-up question: “What do I really want?” It is what you “really want” that you truly desire. For example, the ego might say to you something like: “I want to be right.” But then ask yourself: “What do I really want?” Your answer to that will probably be something like: “I really want to be and feel happy and at peace.” What you really want is always in alignment with your Loving Source and nature. Feeling happy and at peace are both aspects of Love, and thus in alignment with your Source and nature, with what you really want.
Today, let us recall that in this seeming dualistic world, the ego usually answers first and loudest. When you ask yourself: “What do I want?” the ego will usually answer that question before the truth in you does. Do not judge yourself for this. Simply recognize if your answer is not aligned with your loving nature, then it is the ego who has answered and is in control of your thinking. Do not despair, simply take back control of your own mind by asking yourself: “What do I really want?” What you really want is to represent, in every moment and interactions possible, Love on Earth. You do this by choosing in alignment with Love, with the Mind of God. Thus, if your first response is not loving in nature, do not despair or judge yourself or others as bad or wrong. Simply remind yourself of what you really want, and then choose accordingly.
I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below and/or on our social media pages. We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages. |
Hello. I am in a constant state of anxiety. My guts are knotted. I have no future that I see as being one of fruition. All due to opposition I face within my space. I am faced with shutting down completely If I cannot remove the physical and spiritual blocks hindering my momentum. Stop bashing my ego. I need it to survive. Amen.
Again, thanks so much James! I really, we all really need this education, wise truth, in us. You are helping me to be me. Can’t thank you enough. Love to you and all, good man, good soul.
Thank you Ryan for being open to the message and for your kind words.
We are all One, your need helps me recall my own need to share the truth in me, and so thank you for helping me share my truth.
Let us together shine a brighter light so that those lost in the darkness may too find the light within.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC