Daily Inspiration: September 23. We Are Not Upset for the Reason We Think

When we are upset, it is not really the picture of the outside world that is upsetting us. What is upsetting us is how we have been programmed to see, react to, interact with, and interpret that picture. It is not the present moment we are experiencing. What we are experiencing is the past programming we have dragged onto the now. When we are upset it is our past programming, not the present moment, that we are seeing. Our Creator is Love, and Love is All and Eternal. Love is all that in truth exist within the present moment, within the eternal now. The past is forever gone, and the future can only ever be imagined. It is only the eternal present moment that is forever truly available to us. Anything we have learned from the so-called past that is anything other than a function of our loving nature, is not real nor true. Anything we have been taught or programmed to believe that is not a function of our loving nature comes from our past programs. When we become upset it is our relationship to the past, our past programming, not the present moment, that we are upset about and experiencing. We are seeing and experiencing the present moment through the eyes of the past. That is why we become frustrated and confused. We don’t truly understand what is happening right now. We will not experience true peace of mind and joy in the now as long as we choose to experience it through our past programming. Today, when our past programming pops up let us no longer use it to judge ourselves or others. Instead, let us use forgiveness to unlearn it, and  deprogram ourselves. By doing so we once again align with our eternal loving nature. Why carry the burdens of a time that no longer exist? Why look at and react to the present moment through eyes and a mindset that are no longer yours? Today, let us awaken to who in truth we are. Let us practice seeing our experience through Love’s lens. Let us enjoy the gifts that the eternal now forever offers us.

The ego has programmed us to see this world through its judgment and fear based eyes. The ego has only taught us what fuels it. When we are reacting through the ego it is for the its benefit not ours. As long as we continue to see, react through and fuel the ego, it remains a large part of our experience. It is because of this that it is confusing to distinguish between us and the ego. The ego wants this confusion to exist because it needs to convince us and have us believe that we are one with it. If we believe we are one with the ego then we will continue to protect it whenever it seems to be under attack. To the ego anything that does not agree with it attacks it. When others are not agreeing with us, or thinking like we think, the ego has us attack our brothers and sisters through the act of judgment. Judgment is one of the ego’s main fuel sources. It tries to have us use judgment of self and others as often as possible to make that behavior appear to be normal, rational and right. It does this not for our benefit, not to defend us, but only for its benefit, so that it can continue to metastasize within us. This way the ego becomes a bigger part of our experience and internal conditioning. The ego continually pushes us in its direction. The ego does this until one day we become completely unconsciously aligned with the ego and think it to be us. When we think the ego is us, when we unconsciously defend ourselves, it is the ego and its mindset, not the truth in us, that we are unknowingly defending. We, as God’s loving eternal creations, need no defense. We need no defense not because we are not worth defending, but because there is truly nothing real that we need to defend against. All that is real is the Love that God is. There is no need for us to defend ourselves against God’s Love.

Today, let us make the conscious decision to no longer lose our brothers and sisters to the ego’s judgment filled wars. We have lost enough of them already. The time for healing and peace has come. Today, let us recall that when we become upset it is because we are defending the ego’s mindset, not ours. Our natural mindset is to be at One with the Love that God is. The ego is not us nor even a real small part of us. The ego is simply a false belief system within our minds, it is in reality nothing that we have made into what seems to be something. Through our unconscious support of it we have made it seem like a real and important part of us. It is we who have unconsciously made it a larger part of our lives. It is also we who can undo what we have done and begin dissolving it from our experience. Today, let us no longer become upset and judge ourselves or others as the ego has programmed us to do. Instead, let us recognize that when we are not interacting with the now in a loving fashion we are simply reacting to the now as the ego has programmed us to do. Such energies as forgiveness, compassion, understanding, peace and joy, reflect Love’s expressions. Today, let us allow Love and its expressions to correct our misperceptions. In doing so Love helps us return to and align with the now.  By being where we belong we feel at Home and again experience the peace of mind and joy that is our inheritance. Today, let us undo all that the ego has programmed us to do. Today, let us deprogrammed ourselves until we return to thinking in alignment with the loving Mind of God. Let us no longer view this world through the ego’s muddy lens. Instead, let us now look upon all things as they were created by God for us to experience and enjoy.

Today, if we become upset let us recall we feel this way not because the outer environment deserve such a response but because this is how the ego has programmed us to react. It is not our eternal loving nature that is upset. What is upset is that sleeping part of us that still believes in the ego’s mindset and programs, its fantasies and fairy tales as real. Today, let us recognize this behavior as not who in truth we are. Then let us use forgiveness to once again help us dismiss our delusions and align with our loving nature. Forgiveness helps begin to deprogram us from the ego’s judgment centered mindset. The more we practice choosing forgiveness over judgment, the more control we get over our own thoughts, the less need we have to become upset. Now, thanks to forgiveness, becoming upset is no longer a programmed response we blindly follow.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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