Daily Inspiration: September 25. We Are All Family

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Today, when we meet another person, let us remember that it is not by chance. Hidden as it may be, we are all family. We have all made a spiritual commitment to each other, regardless of how conscious we are about it. We have come together to share and shine our light onto a people and planet that are crying out for help, hope and healing. Just as your participation on my Facebook page (thanks to your views, likes, comments and shares) helps fuel my desire to offer what has been gifted to me. So too does my sharing, hopefully, help you recall and communicate your true loving essence and nature. There is nothing true or real about me that is not also true or real about you. There is nothing true or real about one of us that is not true or real about all of us. There is nothing true or real about those who participate in this forum that is not true or real about those who do not participate. Being all One, what is in One is in All. Today, let us practice acknowledging this Oneness in everyone, and by doing so reinforce our union with our Creator. The more consciously you unite with God, the brighter your light shines, the more you will be able to help those around you begin to see, recall and understand their true nature. Today, when you meet anyone understand that God is entrusting you with His child. If you could not help them heal God would have not place you before them. Equally so, if they could not help you heal then you would not be before them. God Who Is Perfect co-created with you the journey you are now on. Every step of your path, every person you ever met, are meeting today or will ever meet, are all sacred gifts from God to you. Today, trust in His wisdom, knowledge, mercy and grace, and by doing so practice seeing all those in front of you as God’s gifts. Then offer God your gratitude for the opportunities He is offering you to heal and be healed.

Today, let us set aside and put away the ego’s false concept of stranger. In truth, there is no such thing. In truth, we are all One. Everyone “out there” is simply reflecting your internal condition and conditioning. Your mind defines everyone you see and thus they are all simply physical reflections of your own beliefs. God is Love and All, thus there is no aspect of you that is not in some form, an aspect of Love. When you seeing another in any form other than Love, then you are not really seeing what is being presented to you. The false concept of ’stranger’ is but one of the many fabrications within the ego’s fairy tale. The ego does this to try to separate us from each other so that it can have us to itself. If the ego can make us believe that we are separate from each other then it can have us think that we can judge another without that judgment having a negative effect on us. Being that judgment is one of the ego’s main fuel sources the more it can have us judge each other the bigger and more important part of our life it can become. Still, do not despair, for the ego itself is self destructive in nature.  The more we use the ego and its slimy tactics the sooner we start to see and realize how hurtful and unproductive, it truly is. Our ability to suffer guilt, pain and chaos, may be high but it is not without limit. Sooner or later we will, thanks to our life experience, figure out that the ego’s so-called solutions are useless. Again, do not despair, at first we may not realize the weight and burden of our judgments. But in time, through the suffering, guilt, conflict, chaos and shame that it produces, we will realize that the ego mindset is not in alignment with our loving nature. It is then that we will begin to gladly discard it form our lives.

Today, let us practice recalling that every person in our life is here to help us reach a higher level of consciousness. They are here to help us recall our light so that we may share it with others.  Today, let us let go of the ego’s delusional concepts of strangers, illegal aliens, foes or enemies. Instead, let us practice seeing everyone as only our brothers and sisters. Today, every woman you meet, see her as your daughter, sister or mother, and every man you meet see him as your son, brother or father. When we start to see each other in this manner our fears, concerns, anger and hate, will begin to dissolve. In their place the memory that we are all God’s creations will begin to once again surface and bring peace to our minds and joy to our hearts. This is the gift that each brother and sister is in the present moment offering you. They are offering you the opportunity to recall the truth within you by recognizing it in them. They are offering you the opportunity to leave the ego’s delusional world of fear, worry, anxiety, anger and hate behind. They are helping you, by being compassionate towards them, enter a world where Love forever reigns as King. The choice of what world you want to see, experience and participate in, is in every moment, yours and yours alone to make. This is free will. Today, recall that as God’s creation you are forever worthy of Paradise, of a world where Love reigns supreme and peace and joy become our constant companions. Let us also recall that being all One, all others are also equally worthy of this Paradise. Today, let us take note that the more we treat others as family instead of strangers, the more safe and at peace we feel, and the more grateful we feel to have each and every one of them in our presence.

Today, let us decide to see all of God’s creations, not as strangers to be feared, but as our brothers and sisters, forever worthy of our love. Today, when you see, think of or interact with a woman, make the conscious choice to see her as your daughter, sister or mother. Then continue by treating every man you see, think of or interact with as your son, brother or father. The more you practice making this conscious effort, the more gentle, compassionate and loving this world will become. Today, see all others as God created them. How easy and available are the states of peace and joy when you choose to see God’s loving creations only as God’s loving creations? Today, do so and begin to redesign this world into the one you want. When you do, you will begin to live, create and share Heaven on Earth.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages.


Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (6)

You are touching lives, transforming the mind-set of many, may God increase you with more knowledge and give you more strength to continue impacting this life-tranforming message. That’s something to smile about, peace!

Thank you Ogah for your kind words and for being a member of our community.

We all touch the lives of many. Each and every time we consciously choose forgiveness over judgment, compassion over condemnation, and love over fear, we help lead people to the light within them. This is our function here, to be the light of the world. When we are fulfilling our function we will feel fulfilled because in essence we will be doing what we were created to do.

Today, let us all be the light of the world. Let us see every interaction we are offered, and every situation God put us in, as giving us the opportunity to fulfill our function. Then let us offer our brothers and sisters our deep and sincere gratitude for helping us, through their presence in our lives, serve them and thus for assisting us in fulfilling our function.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Thank you for appreciating our comments.Of course we love to hear from you.I do look at people and think of how we’re One.Then I can forget when someone is judgemental or rude.Then they seem separate.I try to send my love out to the Universe and love to wonder whom is receiving.Knowingly.I thought of you and realized you could use support.You do have a lovely gift and I am happy you are sharing with us.Thank you.Peace love and joy.

Thank you Donna for your kind words.

As ‘A Course In Miracles’ would say “Forgetting is simply a way of remembering better.” The more “others,” through their participation in your life, help you practice forgiveness, compassion, Oneness and Love, the better reflection of your All-Loving Source you will become.

I humbly accept your love and support so that my writings may offer greater love and support to this world and those in it.

You, as God’s creation, are a gift to this world. Today, remember this, recall that we are all One, and thus are all deserving of God’s mercy and grace. Then, simply do your best to be as God is, and in every interaction offer your brothers and sisters, only God’s mercy and grace.

Today, when the ego demands you judge a brother or sister, stop, breathe deeply and remind yourself: “Oh, I see God, this is who You are asking me to love. This is who You are inviting me to offer Your mercy and grace. Thank you God for the reminder. I now will offer them only Your mercy and grace, and by doing so I will return my own mind to the state of perfect peace. Thank you Father. Amen”

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

I have been a member of a 12 step fellowship for 35 years. Being present in our gatherings and having men and women from all walks of life in my life has given me the gift of compassion and Union with all.
It started out because we were all addicted to some source of mood or mind altering substance. We all were suffering the loss of Self… then as recovery and through the steps. a connection with God replaced the connection with each other through our pain to a connection with each other through Love. This is the most pure connection I’ve known for all are one and no one is to beaten down, too dirty, too smelly, too offensive to not be seen as a brother or sister that embodies the light of Love, the essence of God that we all are.
Through this fellowship and ACIM I am challenged always to see those around me that are not in the fellowship with the same eyes of love and compassion.
Your words always reinforce this within me.. Thank you

Thank you Shirley for being open to the message.

We are indeed all One and thus each one is in reality a sacred part of us.

As a ACIM student myself I am sure you will align with and find this message of use in your life.

May you continue to use your life experience to light the way for those who are finding hard to see.

Peace. JBC

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