Daily Inspiration: September 29. Indecisiveness

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


When we’re feeling stuck, not knowing what to do, let us not despair. Instead, let us humbly ask Love to lead the way. Let us recall that peace is an expression of Love. So when we make a choice that brings us the most peace, we are choosing in alignment with the Mind of God. Love is our true north, nature, essence, fuel source and Home. Indecisiveness is just a sign that shows us when we are not in alignment with our true north. When we align with Love and any of its expressions, such as peace, joy, forgiveness and compassion, our indecisiveness will begin to fade away. Today, if you are feeling indecisive, align with Love and ask yourself questions such as: “What decision would bring me the most peace?” “What would be the most compassionate way of dealing with this issue?” “What would Love do now?” Simply align with the expression of Love’s that best fits the moment, and then be, do and share that. Indecisiveness, is not here to make you feel less than. It is here, being offered to you, so that you may practice increasing your trust in God. It is here to show you that the Divine can use all of your decisions, situations and experiences for good. It is here to help you see that God only and always has our best interest in mind. It is here to help remind you that God forever has your back. Such opportunities are being offered to reinforce the loving energy of trust and diminish the ego’s energy of fear. You need not fear nor worry because every step along your path you have co-designed with the Divine. If God is Love and Love is All, could your journey ever be anything other than a perfectly loving expression? Today, when doubt comes calling simply remind yourself Who your creative Partner is, and be at peace. What need for indecisiveness, fear, concern or worry, would you ever have or need experience if you but recalled that God’s all encompassing light forever guides you along the way. Today, see your indecisiveness, fears, worries and concerns, simply as opportunities to practice trusting God more. Do so, and your fears, worries and insecurities, will begin to fade away before your light and understanding.

When we align with God over the ego, we align with Light over darkness, Love over fear, forgiveness over judgment, and trust over worry. When we practice making the conscious choice for God we overrule the ego’s programs and mindset. This practice helps us recall that it is we, not the ego, who is in control of our thoughts, and thus of our minds and lives. Today, if we find ourselves being indecisive it is simply because we are buying into the ego’s program that says that God’s plan for our life is not to be trusted. Symbols of this lack of trust are that we feel unsafe, lost, unsure, anxious, off-balanced, confused and conflicted. If the ego can convince you to not trust God then it has a chance to convince you to trust it. This way it gets to survive and thrive through you. This way it gets to decide for you. This way it gets to control you and the life you are living. This it does anytime you choose in opposition to God’s Love and will. Feeling unsafe, lost, unsure, anxious, off-balanced, confused and conflicted, are not your natural expressions. They are simply symbols that you are choosing along with the ego and not with God. Still, in reality it is impossible for you to be separate from God who is All. Thus, whenever indecisiveness tries to enter your mind, decide to overrule the ego, recall you are One with God, and then choose in alignment with Love. By doing so you simply answer every moment with the expression of Love that best fits it. Compassion, forgiveness, kindness, peace and joy, are all expressions and symbols of one who is aligned with the Divine. Today, when feeling indecisive, now simply see it as an opportunity to practice allowing Love’s guidance to lead the way. For you and Love are One. What is natural to Love is natural to you. His clarity, certainty, peace and understanding, are your inheritance and thus forever available to follow, represent, share and enjoy.

Today, if we find ourselves buying into the ego’s delusion of indecisiveness, let us first before any decision is made focus on being grateful instead of fearful. Let us be grateful that we have yet another opportunity to practice declining the ego’s fear based programs and uniting with God. Second, let us trust God, consciously align with Love, and allow Love to decide for us. Remember that because you are Love’s creation, love is who you truly are and came here to be, represent and share. A symbol that shows you have done this is the state of peace. Simply ask yourself, which decision brings me the most peace, and then do that. Third, after making the decision for peace, trust that your Creator always has your best interest in mind. Consciously and confidently allow His Will, which is also your highest will, to be done. Recall today that any thought or belief in indecisiveness does not come from the truth in you. It does not come from that part of you that is One with your Creator. It comes from the ego’s programming, from that false self concept you have been taught to see as true. It comes from a mind that has temporarily forgotten its true essence, nature and Home. Do not judge yourself when you once again unconsciously align with this false concept. Instead, use this as an opportunity to practice consciously letting go of who you are not. Learn to use such a situation to practice consciously aligning with your all-loving Source, with clarity, certainty, peace, wisdom, mercy and grace. Finally, offer your gratitude, not your judgment to the ego, for indecisiveness is simply offering you another opportunity to practice uniting with your Creator. Such opportunities can only help you better recall and reinforce your true nature. You can never be anything less than who God created you to be. Your truth can never be indecisive. Indecisiveness is but a silly little delusional belief within the ego’s mindset. Still, do not despair, for the ego, being in seeming opposition to God, to All, could never be real nor true nor you.  

Today, let us not put ourselves down when feeling indecisive. Instead, let us use such an opportunity to practice increasing our trust in God. When we trust God we align with Love and thus choose the most loving decision in that moment. The more we choose in alignment with God, the more certain our decision making process becomes. The more we allow Love to lead us, the more at peace we will feel in our decision making process. When in doubt do not despair for God uses all decisions you make for good, to help you grow, heal and awaken. Even what the ego judges as a “wrong” decision helps us figure out what we do not want, which then helps us clarify what it is we do want, and thus it is helpful. If we can begin to see even our so-called “bad” decisions as helpful, why would we ever again need to fear, worry, doubt, or feel indecisive?

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages.


Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (10)

Thank you for this timeless message, JBC, it came at a most critical time in my life when I need to remember to place my trust in the Creator & not ego which would have me fearful/worried for the future. Bless.

Thank you kcs for being open to the message.

Peace is one of Love’s, God’s many expressions. You as God’s creation, are forever worthy of peace.

When not at peace, stop, recall that you are worthy of peace, place all your doubts, worries and fears, in your Creator’s hands, and visualize and feel them dissolving in His light and understanding.

Then, unburden of your doubts, worries and fears, offer your Creator your gratitude.

Finally, once again at peace, allow your example and light to shine bright, so that those still lost in the ego’s fear based mindset, may find their way back Home to the state of peace.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

I am very grateful for another reminder that absolutely everything is helpful and here to support me. Everything truly is working together for good. Thank you for all that your share.

Thank you Diane for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

Having co-created your journey with Love, with Perfection, you can never take “a wrong” step along your path. For Perfection, God, Love, All, is All, and thus there can be in truth no opposition to All.

Allow your daily gratitude to God to be a symbol of this truth.

Peace. JBC

This is HJP from sunny South Africa. ALWAYS at the right time you answer my
spiritual needs. Without fail. Thank just for being there and the efford you put in
to bring light to the world. It is the highlight of my morning to read your message.
Love Light Joy

Thank you HJP for your kind words and for being open to the message.

We are all always, no matter how the ego has programmed us to view our experience, in the right time and place for each other.

We have all co-created our journeys with our Source, our Source is Perfection and only creates perfectly, and thus each step along our path is perfect for us and for what we have come here to experience, represent, be and share.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

I love this. Thanks for another beautiful and inspiring message.

Thank you Jen for being open to the message.

Peace. James

With my entire being/ego shouting “Don’t do it!!!” I made a decision to accept an offer of help come November/December concerning my father’s health from a sister that I have as little to do as possible. It was this Reflection of my self/Self that I saw within her that gave me the strength to loosen my habitual, controlling ego. Too, I realized not only is it a Gift from God for me but for her as well.
I have been reading your posts for over a year and deeply appreciate the Truth you speak. Thank you.

Thank you Jannette for being open to the message.

It’s lovely to hear about your shift in perception.

Peace. James

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