Daily Inspiration: September 30. We Are Reacting to the Figures in Our Own Dream

We define this world through the thoughts we think. This world is simply a physical representation and reflection of the thoughts we value, support and defend as real within our mind. Most of us are not awake and don’t realize when we are sleeping. When we awaken, we recognize that all the figures in our dreams were made by us, and were simply mental projections of beliefs we hold. If the figures in our dreams seem to attack us, it is not they who are to blame. It is our beliefs that created the figures, and thus what those figures are doing within our dreams. All the pain, suffering, stress and anxiety within the dream were not caused by some external forces, but by our own internal dialogue. It is thus within our own mind where our healing, and thus the healing of this planet, must begin. Once our internal dialogue is healed we will look upon this world through the healed mind. Everything we see outside of ourselves will then become a reflection of a healed mind. Love is the primary symbol of the healed mind. Joy, peace, compassion, forgiveness and understanding, being aspects of Love are all expressions of the healed mind. When we are not seeing the world through love, then let that signal to us that we are still dreaming, and thus still in the process of healing. Let us not despair if we find that we ourselves still having some healing to do. We are here to heal the unhealed parts of our minds, and then through our example, teach others how they too can heal. Knowing this, today let us look to focus on our own healing. Then let us pay close attention to  how this shift in consciousness is redefining the world we are seeing and thus how we are participating in it.

Today, let us note how the figures in our dreams are defined and interpreted through the value system we support. Knowing this, today let us stop blaming “them” or the outer world for how we are feeling. When we stop blaming others we start taking personal responsibility for how we are interacting with our own thoughts and environment. Once we realize that all we are really doing is reacting to the figures in our dreams, we will through forgiveness, release “them” from our judgments. We will finally release them from all we ever thought “they” did to us. In such instances what we are really doing is forgiving our misperceptions of them. In essence, being all One, we are simply forgiving ourselves and thus healing our own minds. When we release them from our judgments the state of peace results. Peace is a symbol of a healed mind. Peace is an expression of Love, and Love is your Creator. Anytime you are not at peace simply remind yourself that as your Creator’s creation, peace is your inheritance, and then choose accordingly. Today, allow the state of peace, just as any other of Love’s expressions, to symbolize to you that you have, or are in the process of, awakening. Now, just because you are awakening does not mean that those around you also desire to awaken. Let us be aware that sometimes others may need a little more sleep. Allow them their time by reminding yourself that they too have co-created their individualized and sacred journeys with God. In truth, in Love, there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ time when you must awaken. Each one of our journeys is a perfect co-creation with Perfection and thus occurs in Divine timing. Today, trust in Divine timing over the ego’s timing, and experience the peace that comes with this effort and  understanding.

Today, keep working on your own healing and awakening. Do so, so that when your brothers and sisters begin to awaken, you will be ready to lovingly guide them back to a place of peace. Let us no longer judge others or ourselves for the dreams we may be dreaming. Instead, let us be grateful we now have to wisdom to recognize when it is we are dreaming. It is our dream that we are dreaming. If we have done this to ourselves, then we also have the power to awaken and undo what we have done. What a relief it will be to no longer have to blame everyone in the world for how we are feeling and for what we are seeing and experiencing. What a weight off our shoulders it will be to no longer have to judge and blame the eight plus billion people on this planet for how we feel. What a blessing it is to recall that everything ‘out there’ is simply a reflection of what resides within.   Now, if we do not like the world we see, we simply change our thoughts. It is by doing so that the world itself will begin to shift to align with our thinking. How much simpler will such a world become? How much more peace and joy can we now experience each day when we recall that thanks to free will peace and joy are always but a choice away? How much more filled with gratitude to God will we be when we awaken and realize that the dream was but a dream, and that He, Love, has never left our side? When we awaken we will do so in God’s arms, look up and realize He has never left us. What do you have to worry about or fear when you know that no matter how crazy or judgmental your dream may get, that once you awaken you will do so safely in the Creator’s arms. God forever loves His children no matter their nightmares nor how long they choose to sleep. Today, recall this and practice loving His children, your brothers and sisters, as much as He does.

Today, remind yourself that you define the world you see. You are the one attaching emotions to what you are experiencing. If the world you are now seeing is not aligned with the world you want, no longer blame the world or those in it. Instead, look within and begin to change the thoughts that define your experience. Know that if you are not aligned with Love’s expressions, such as those of peace, joy, forgiveness and compassion, it is simply because you remain asleep to your true nature. There is no need to judge yourself or others for dreaming. Simply learn to recognize when you are dreaming and use such reminders to help you awaken. Today, be grateful that there is no more need to fight the monsters in your dreams. Today, awaken and the need to fight or fear, will dissolve before your light and understanding.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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