Daily Inspiration: April 14. Consciously Freeing Ourselves from the Past

Today, let us not extend the past into the present and thus create a future like our past. Let us no longer allow the ego’s dark and negative thoughts to be given free rein to spoil our day. Let us no longer, through our focus on them, give them the fuel and power they need to take hostage our nights. Those darken and negative thoughts, are now all in the past, where they belong. The past in reality is gone, it exist no more. It is only when we drag our past onto the present, that we give it permission to rule over us. When this occurs, it is not us who are living our lives, it is our past programmed-self who is living it for us. Today, when the past knocks on our mind’s door, asking us to keep on judging and condemning ourselves or others, let us recall where such thinking has taken us before, and decline. Then instead, let us allow the truth in us to lead us. The truth in us is the Love that God is. God see His children only has He created them, the perfect eternal essence of love in physical form. God knows the perfect nature of the journey we have co-designed with Him, and thus has no need for judgment. If God has no need for judgment, then why should we? In time we will all see the perfect nature of our journey. But why wait for then to find peace now? Judgment is simply a symbol of a lack of self-awareness. Let us today practice thinking with God, until we realize the wisdom of such efforts. When we think with God, we forgive the past, release it, and place the future fully in God hands. By doing so we return to the now, where the peace of God forever resides. When we align with the Mind of God we experience the present moment as the gift that it, as it was meant to be experienced. Allow this understanding to help you become aware when you are in the present moment, align with Love, or when you are stuck dragging the past onto the now, out of alignment with Love. 

Today, any timbers from the past that the ego would use to try to blow into a fire, are extinguished by our decision to forgive the past. Today, let us see those our ego would have us judge, criticize and condemn to a life without us, through Love’s eyes, and forgive them and find peace. If we are yet not able to do so, then we ask God to forgive them for us, until we can see and feel the wisdom of His way of thinking. Imagine, a day were you no longer need to carry past judgments or errors within your heart and mind. The heavy burdens, that through your judgments, the ego has programmed you too carry, were in reality never your to bare. That cross has already been overcome. The illusionary nature of the ego’s world is long gone. Now in its place, only the eternal Love, mercy and grace of God resides. Today, choose to walk hand in hand with your Creator to realize that this is so. Today, in every moment choose Love over fear, and watch and feel your past judgments and pain, begin to dissolve before your light and understanding. Thanks to God gifts of free will, you now have the power to let go of what you no longer want. We no longer need to drag the past onto the present moment, where the gifts of God reside. Today, judgments are simply symbols of one who is asleep to the truth in them, of one that without awareness drags the past onto the now. Today, being or sharing any of Love’s numerous expressions shows us that we have awaken to our true nature and are in alignment with the now. The opportunities to practice, through forgiveness, releasing ourselves from our past, is a great gift that our brothers and sisters offer us. For this let us offer them our gratitude. 

Today, let us understand that those who are being anything other than loving, are simply dragging their past programs onto the now. They are not bad, mean or evil, they have simply forgotten who in truth they are. They are simply blind to their true and eternal nature. Let us no longer allow the blind to dictate our state of mind. Let us no longer allow the blind to lead us into temptation. Let us no longer cover over the present moment with our past, and then wonder why we can not see or understand what is really going on. Now, let us allow our past to only represent how much we have learned to let go. Now, let us allow our past to only represent the knowledge, wisdom and life experience, that we have accumulated. Soon, we will see and understand how each step of our journey, how all of our past, has been of used to lift our consciousness. Once we see and understand this, we will no longer have the need or desire to remain a slave to our past judgments and programs. We will no longer need to drag our past, and those who participated in it, onto the now. We will simply be grateful for the past and those in it. We will then use the lessons that they have provided us with, to become truly present, a clear reflection of Love within the now. In the now we will become examples of His eternal loving light. It will be this light, shinning through us, that will assist others in recalling how every step of their journey, is sacred and of use to help heal this world. Imagine, being truly free from your past judgments. Imagine, having the knowledge that you can, in every moment, choose forgiveness over judgment, the present over the past, and thus peace over pain. You have free will, you can choose in every moment what you want to experience. Today, choose in alignment with your Creator, and experience the peace that is your inheritance.

Today, let us practice becoming aware of when we are in the now or stuck in the past. When aligned with the now, we are and share Love’s expressions, such as those of peace, joy, compassion, forgiveness, hope and healing. When we are dragging our past programs onto the now, we feel judgmental, frustrated, angry, stressed out, worried, resentful, jealous, hateful and revengeful. The idea is not to punish ourselves when we find ourselves out of alignment with the now. The idea is to catch ourselves quicker and quicker when we are doing so, so that we can forgive ourselves and others, and correct our path. Free-will remind us that in any moment, we can forgive and release the past, and return to the now, where the peace of God forever resides. The more we practice doing so, the more control we will see that we have over our experience. 

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (4)


your messages are very liberating… better than going to professional therapy 🙂
Thank you,

Thank you Ana for your kind words and for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

Hi James,

Thank you once again for the reminder. I am going through a situation right now and this message really hit home for me. Blessings to you for all that you do.

Thank you Margaret for being a member of our community.

God being Love and All, all is here to in some way, shape or form, help us grow, heal and awaken. When we recall this, peace results. When we choose to trust in the Divine plan, and trust God’s plan for us and the Universe more than our ego’s plan, peace results.

Today, when doubt, anger or resentment try to enter your mind’s kingdom, deny their entry. You deny their entry by forgiving them and letting them go. You deny their entry by choosing not to dedicate any of your time, focus or energy to them. Then use that same time, focus and energy to dedicate to loving thoughts such as those of compassion, forgiveness, peace, hope and joy.

Let us today forgive the past, place the future fully in God’s hands and return to our true Home, the present moment, where the peace and joy of God forever reside.

Today, let us do the opposite of what is not bringing peace to our minds and joy to our hearts. When the ego demands you judge, stop and forgive instead. When the ego insist that you stress out and worry, stop and practice trusting God more. When the ego calls for you to think negatively about another, stop and pray for them, for their peace, joy, healing and awakening. We are all One, it is always what you think or do to another that you will end up experiencing yourself.

Let us today, consciously aligned with only the loving light within and by doing so become a blessing to all those we think of and that God sends our way.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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