Daily Inspiration: April 7. Laying Down the Sword of Judgment

Lay judgment down. Lay down your sword, for what peace or joy has your sword ever brought to you or to those around you? When you judge something or someone, know that it is not the divine truth in you that is doing so. The divine truth in you is Love, who is God and All. When you judge, it can only be the false or ego-self, that is reacting as you have been programmed by it to react. Love, being All, there exists no place for judgment in the Divine, within All That Is. This is why the truth in you can neither judge yourself nor others, because judgment does not exist within Truth. When you find yourself judging self or another, that is your programmed-self ‘acting’ as it was taught by the ego to act. Your programmed-self only exists in the ego’s illusionary dualistic world or fairy tale, where it can seem to exist in opposition to All. Today, do not judge yourself simply because you have bought into the fairy tale of you as real. Instead, remind yourself, that there is no opposite to Truth, All, and thus when you are judging, you are simply seeing the false as real. How much longer will you allow the false in you to lead you? How many more pain filled ditches will you fall into before you realize that the blind should not be leading the blind? Judgment of self and others is a symbol of blindness, of unawareness, of being asleep to the truth in you. But do not despair, the days of filling your life with pain filled judgments must be coming to an end, for if they were not, then you would not be reading this now. Reading what you are reading now, is a sign that you have tired of the darkness, and now desire to awaken, unite with and share, the Light in you. Do not underestimate your desire to unite with the Light. Do not underestimate your need to once again represent Love on Earth. Today, let us put down the sword of judgment, and return to being who we were created to be.

The ego is an illusionary belief system within the mind. The way it remains relevant in your life is through your judgments of self and others. When you fuel the ego’s mindset with your judgments, it grows and becomes a bigger part of your life. When you deny it of your judgments, it shrinks and begins to fade away. As you see, the ego by itself has no power, because the ego is in truth not real. Its only power source is you. Today, make the conscious choice to turn its power off. Do so, and watch its power over you and your thoughts end. But do understand, that the ego will not go quietly into the night. It will fight to remain relevant, but the more you understand how the ego works, the more easily and quickly you can catch it and decline and deny its efforts. The ego will always insist that judgment is the right, natural, proper and deserved response, but where have those responses ever gotten us? If to the ego, what is right, natural, proper and deserved, leads us to a world of judgment, anger, confusion, chaos and regret, then what hope can the ego’s world truly ever offer us? The ego’s world view can offer you no hope, that is why when you buy into it, it makes you feel hopeless. Yet still, it tries to have you keep searching for hope where no hope lies. The ego’s world can offer you no hope or reprieve from anger, confusion, chaos and regret, because none of the ego’s solutions desire an end to judgment. The ego’s world view simply offers you false hope, for what is false can only offer you what it is. Today, let us no longer invest our time, focus and energy in the false. Instead, let us recall that we, my dear friends, are the sons and daughters of The Creator, of Love Itself. We are the extensions, expressions and representatives of Truth, and Truth has no need to invest its time, focus or energy, in the false.

Today, let us no longer unconsciously fall on our own sword. Instead, let us today make a conscious decision to place our swords and shields forever down. We as Love’s creations, do not need to carry within, such heavy lies and burdens. What do we really use the sword for, but to attack the shadows when we dream? What do we even need a shield for, but to defend ourselves against what is not real? Shadows, do not need to be defended against nor attacked. Shadows need simply be recognize as shadows and nothing else. Only those who still see the ego’s dreams as real, would continue to even think about squandering their time to fighting or defending themselves against shadows. Let us no longer look for hope in hopelessness. Let us no longer judge the ego, for to judge it, is to give it a power it does not have. Instead, let us realize what through it, we are doing to ourselves, consciously stop, and ask ourselves this one important question: “Do I desire judgment’s sword or the Peace of God?” In every moment we have that choice. What a simple choice it is to make for those who are awake and awakening. Yet, so many still sleep. Allow them the time they think they need to awaken. Sooner or later they will realize, that because they come from Truth, that Truth is what they seek. When they realize this, they will join you on your journey. My friends, do not despair, your brothers and sisters will awaken, until then, choose to step away from the ego’s battlefield. Do so, and wait for them where we all truly belong, in the state of peace. Today, rise above the ego’s battlefields, for they do not represent the truth in you. Lead us all back to our true Home, a place were swords and shield are never needed, a place where only the love, joy and peace of God, forever reside.

Today, let us lead by example, drops our swords and shields, and decline the ego’s calls to war. When we do so, we are simply overlooking the false, and seeing only the Truth as true. We are overlooking the ego’s programs and mindset, and trusting in God’s Love and plan. Today, when any doubt enters your mind, gently ask yourself: “Do I desire to continue to fight in the ego’s battlefields, or do I want the peace of God?” When awaken from the ego’s dream, what use do we have for swords and shields, if there are no battles left to fight? What use do we have for judging ourselves and others, when God is Love and All? When we recall that only the false could try to place itself in opposition to the Truth? Today, freed from the ego’s mindset, let us choose forgiveness over judgment, peace over war, and Truth over illusions.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Comments (2)

Thank you,from now on I’m going to have more willingness.

Thank you Donna for being open to the message.

Thank you for being a light in this world.

Peace. JBC

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