Daily Inspiration: January 26. Offer Others What You Desire to Experience

The ego’s world has trained us so that when we first look at, think of or meet people, we judge something about them. It could be the way they dress, their physical appearance, the way they walk, what they say, or hundreds of other things. The ego does this because its main fuel source is judgment. The ego uses judgment to try to separate us from each other, so that it can have us to itself. We sacrifice all this time and energy to the false idol of judgment, and then complain about how judgmental this world is. Today, instead of first judging people as the ego has programmed us to do, let us retrain our mind to first offer them our gratitude. How would our day, and thus life, begin to shift and change if we first blessed and were grateful for everyone we saw, thought about or came into contact with?

What if we retrained our minds to trust God completely, understanding that each person He sends our way is here to help lift us to a higher level of consciousness. Today, let us practice making gratitude, not judgment, our first response, and then continue to support that response. For example, on my daily walks, I like to focus on a person who is walking by me. I open my heart and from it silently say to them, any one of the following phrases: “God bless you,” “You are blessed,” “God loves you,” “I love you,” “You are healed,” “Peace be with you”, or “Thank you for being in my life.” Then I visualize a loving and healing white light filling and embracing them. By doing so, I reinforce the understanding that I have free will. I can use any moment to bless my brother, and thus heal myself. Let us today wish upon our brothers and sisters all the expressions of God’s Love. As we do so, we reinforce our sacred union with our Creator, and being all One, recall that we too are forever worthy of all of Love’s inheritance. 

We have all played the part of judge and jury. We have done so many times consciously, and many more times unconsciously. Yet who are we to judge any of God’s children? Who are we to judge the sacred journey that they have co-created with their Father? God, being Love and All, will use everyone’s journey for the betterment of all mankind. Yes, sometimes the ego may make it hard for us to see how someone else’s journey, or even our own, is serving a higher good. When such questions try to disrupt your peace of mind and joy, remember that thanks to free will, you can, at any time, stop that line of thinking that is trying to block you from enjoying your inheritance. Today, practice placing your questions gently aside, and instead fully trusting in the Creator of the Universe. What do you have to lose by placing your judgments of self and others aside, and fully trusting in Love’s plan? Would Love not have your best interest in mind? Any time doubt enters your mind, do not despair. Instead, learn to use such a moment to practice recalling that there is another way of thinking. When you place your full trust in God, you will return to the state of peace, because He is Peace Itself. Even when the ego’s judgments seem to be ruling over you, do not despair. For it will be by experiencing them over and over again that you will realize there useless nature. Soon you will see that the ego’s mindset is bringing nothing to your life that you truly desire. It is then that you will begin to look for a gentler, more loving and productive way.

Today,  place all your judgments in God’s hands. Do so, and visualize and feel them dissolving before His light, mercy, grace and understanding. Feel the weight of judgment’s burden lifting off you, and your peace of mind and joy increasing along with your trust in God.

Today, let us practice taking greater personal responsibility for the thoughts we think. Let us make a conscious effort to place our judgments aside, and align our thoughts with Love, with compassion, kindness, healing, peace and joy. By doing so, we become a brighter light on this planet. We become a way shower, a light that shines, reflects and leads, others to a more compassionate, kind, loving, healing and peaceful place in this world. Imagine walking around, and silently blessing everyone you see. Imagine, sitting in silence, and when a thought of a person comes to mind, no matter what part they play in your life, you find a way to bless them. Imagine, only compassionate, kind, loving, healing and peaceful thoughts becoming your daily companions. By doing so, how would your experience on this planet begin to shift? Would you not begin to live your life in a blessed state of mind, bathing in beautiful and healing, thoughts, energies and emotions? This is the opportunity that is offered to you in every single moment and interaction. This is the Holy Instant. It is an eternal moment, seemingly within the illusion of time, where you make the conscious choice to bless those the ego has programmed you to curse. Where you forgive those the ego has taught you to judge. Where you show love and compassion to those that the ego has programmed you to believe were not worthy your time or energy. Are you not, as Love’s child, worthy of a love-filled life? Are we not all One? Are we not all, as God’s children, worthy of such a blessing? My dear friend, you are indeed, as God’s child, forever worthy of life soften and embraced by Love. Simply offer all others all that you yourself would desire to experience. Nothing more than this is asked of you to have everything you want.

Today, understanding that we are all One, doesn’t it make sense to offer others what we would like to experience? Everything that we offer others, be it through thought, word or action, must first flow through us. Thus, what we offer others either poisons or nourishes us. Free will offers us this choice in every moment — to poison or nourish, to hurt or heal, and to lift us up or bring us down. Today, let us practice choosing in alignment with our loving nature, and experience the blessings that come from these efforts. When judgment about another tries to pollute your mind, recall that we are all God’s children, all forever worthy of His Love and support. Then simply do what God, Love, would do. Today, gently place aside the ego’s demands for judgment, and ask Love to lead you back to the state of peace.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages.


Daily Inspirational Messages with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (15)

Every time I point a finger at another, three fingers are pointing back at me.
Thank you for the reminder.
Blessings to all.

Thank you Milo for being a member of our community. We are indeed all One, and so when you judge ‘another’ you are simply teaching yourself that judgment is more valuable than forgiveness, that pain is more valuable than peace. Peace. JBC

Thank You for this enlightening article. You have made me aware that I have been judgemental . I will work on changing how I view others and accept them as they are. I have to remember that I am not perfect and therefore should not judge others.

Thank you Reahla for being open to them message. We are all God’s creations, and as such we are all worthy of peace. Peace. JBC

Thank you for this beautiful way of living my day. Practice is the key to new beginnings! Old habits are hard to overcome … especially when I didn’t realize my unconscious judgments were holding me captive. I will silently bless everyone who crosses my path today … and hopefully every day here on out. Peace and Blessings to you and your ministry. PXene

Thank you Tina for your comment. In the end, it is truly only our thoughts that can hold us captive. But it is also only our thoughts that can set us free. We are all One, bless those you think about and meet, and your own blessings will flow through you and throughout your day. Peace. JBC

well said. is it that easy to get out of my prison of judgement?

Thank you Lynda. It’s a matter of practice, practice, practice. We have mostly unconsciously imprisoned ourselves through our own judgments, and now we must consciously free ourselves through forgiveness, trust in God and understanding. Peace. JBC

thank you, I have printed your response and will place it in front of me to remind me.

Thanks, for your inspiration.

Thank you Alicia for being a part of our community. Peace. JBC

This reminds us to be a ‘host to God and not a hostage to ego’ (Wayne Dyer) Thank you for sharing your gift. Light and blessings.

Thank you Sherma for being open to the message. Peace. JBC

I want to say thank you I look forward every morning to reading your thought provoking powerful affirmations. Thank you much

Best regards

Thank you Felicia for your kind words and for being a part of our community. Peace. JBC

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