Daily Inspiration: January 27. Our Truth Is Not Obtained, It Is Remembered.

There are no levels of self-awareness, peace of mind and joy that any great spiritual teacher or guru has obtained that are not obtainable to us. In fact, our truth is not as much obtained, as it is realized and remembered. The Love that was gifted to us in our creation is our true eternal essence. It is all we have ever been, are now, and will always be. As we practice consciously aligning with and sharing the energy of Love, the memory of who in truth we are and what we came here to do will surface. Love has numerous expressions, such as peace, joy, forgiveness, passion and compassion. The more we practice aligning with Love’s energies and emotions, the more we will feel and understand how aligned they are to the truth in us. Although Love’s creations may differ in numerous ways, the truth in one of us, is the truth in all of us. When we act from a place of Love, our thoughts, words, actions, reactions and interactions, will assist others in recalling what is also true about them. Each one of us, although all One, will be motivated by different combinations and expressions of Love. It will be our unique expression of these combinations that will lead us to our purpose on this planet. Today, when you see and interact with another: First, feel humbled and honored that God is entrusting you with His child. Second, use this opportunity to practice aligning with and offering the expressions of Love that he, she, or the moment is calling for. Third, thank your brother or sister for offering you the opportunity to practice, and thus reinforce, your true nature. Fourth, thank God for entrusting His children to you. Fifth, remember if God trust you, you should not doubt yourself. Today, journey within, and use each moment to be the love that you were created to be. Do so, and you will be slowly begin to recognize once again, the truth within.  

God, Love, Truth, All, are One. Everything that is One is real, is who we forever are. Everything else that tries to place itself in opposition to All, is not real, and can only seem real to those who remain asleep within the ego’s dream. Those who believe in the ego’s fairy tales, its delusions and dreams, are never judged by those who have awaken and recalled their Oneness. Why would anyone at One with God judge you, for he would only be judging himself if he were judging you. The person who is consciously One with God loves you, because he is love himself, and because in truth he is only Love. Because he is only Love, he can only in truth love you. If you are ever judged or feel judged, it is never being done by a person’s truth. It is not possible for truth to judge you, for judgment is in opposition to Love which is All, and everything that is in opposition to All, He knows as not true or nothing. Truth which is All, is not interested in judgment, which placing itself in opposition to forgiveness, one of Love’s many expressions, is nothing. No longer feel bad, sad, lonely or afraid, if you are being or feeling judged, because in truth, nothing is happening. Nothing, no matter how many times it is multiplied, is still nothing. You can in truth not even judge yourself. Only within the ego’s dream could you believe in such fantasy as real. Judging yourself, when aligned with your true nature, is not possible. There is no more need to feel bad, sad, lonely, guilty or afraid, for all of them are not true, they are not real nor you. Awaken from the ego’s dream, and recall that what I am saying to you is true. You are, and forever will be, who God created. God only creates lovingly and perfectly, and thus this is who you are, perfect love currently in physical form.

Today, let us recall who we are, the Love that we were created to be. Let us learn to return to the present moment, listen to it, and hear what expressions of Love it needs. Understanding the sacred nature of the journey that we have co-created with God, we know that we have all the tools within us to answer Love’s call. When we focus on answering Love’s call, we are practicing uniting, and being One with God. Today, allow yourself to be led by Love. Judge yourself no longer. Simply be the love that you came here to be. Be your own unique expression of Love. Serve humanity in your own sacred way, and be proud of that. You are here because the world needs you here. This world is incomplete without you. This world needs what you have come here to do. You serve this world by simply being the unique expression of Love that God created you to be. You serve this world by aligning with, expressing and sharing, what you love to do, and what you are passionate about. It does not matter what importance the ego places on your passions. It does not matter how important others perceive your passions to be. If it brightens your light, then it will help light the way for others. Your light filled example will help remind those you interact with, that this light also exist within them. We are all One, no one’s path is more sacred or important than anyone else’s path. The ego would insist otherwise, simply because the ego’s main goal is to separate you from others so that it can have you to itself. If you find yourself judging another, know that it is not the truth in you that is doing so. Recall that judgment is in opposition to your true nature. Realize this and take back control of your own mind. Then consciously align your mind with the Love that you came here to be, and share that love with all those who are placed along your sacred path.

Today, let us practice listening to the present moment and hearing what expression of Love it is calling out for. As we practice aligning with Love and its expressions, the ego’s fog will begin to lift, and who we are in truth will be revealed. Be who you came here to be. Only you, along with God, know who that is. When in doubt, stop for a moment and invite Love to lead the way. Do so, and because Love is who you are in truth, your light will brighten, which will in turn help others recall their true nature. You are on this planet right now because you are needed here right now, plain and simple. If you were needed somewhere else, then you would be somewhere else. Today, allow the truth in you to be revealed by aligning with, being and representing Love on Earth, in every moment, in your own unique way.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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We also offer condensed versions of the daily inspirational messages.


Daily Inspirational Messages with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (4)

My thoughts every time I read or hear your words, re-mind me of A Course in Miracles, as I have been an avid student of those Words of Jesus for 35 years. That happened when I was a “recovering Latter-day Saint” and I cried a baptismal river of tears when I first read the Text of those beautiful teachings. But your words are in much simpler, more direct and current terms for the average American-English reader, and always uplifting.

This one today meant much to me because I have a sister who is questioning Christians whose churches are leaning into Progressivism socially/politically…but that’s not me, because I am extremely ‘originalist’ when it comes to our nation’s founding, as is she. We being descendants of the Plymouth Plantation might have something to do with that. (She’s with one of the more ‘fundamentalist’ Presbyterian churches.) It saddens me to think that she, the most educated of my five siblings, has remained in the ‘box’ created by these churches and it’s a topic we just don’t really broach together.

I really appreciate your postings and share them with others at times.

Thank you Julia for being open to the message and for being a member of our community. “A Course in Miracles” is definitely a blessing to this planet. Thank you for your kinds words about how this message is offered and presented. Let us remember that each and every one of our journeys is a sacred co-creation with God, and thus no matter how much the ego tries to have us judge self and others, it is always perfect for those who are experiencing their own personal walk with God. We are the Love that God is, and thus when we are judging another one’s path, it is never the truth in us that is doing so. The truth in us being Love can only be loving, and being respectful of another one’s path, however different from ours it may be, is one of the many aspects of Love, of who we in truth forever are.

Today let us leave all our judgments of self and others in God’s hands, and by doing so experience the peace of mind, freedom and joy, that He has prepared for us, for all of us. All glory to God. Peace. JBC

How precious it is to find myself aligned through many different sources to the thoughts brought out in today’s reading!

I’ve been a student of “A Course in Miracles” for 30 years and recently began studying “The Way of Mastery” all which align with your messages. The vibration of Truth is so comforting and empowering! Thank you for never wavering..always grounding me through your words. Namaste

Thank you Shirley for being open to the message and for being a member of our community. Yes, “A Course in Miracles” and “The Way of Mastery” are two of this planet’s jewels. It is an honor to be mentioned in the same paragraph with those two master pieces. May your light continue to brighten, so that those around you may begin to see and better understand, the loving truth in them. All glory to God. Peace. JBC

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