Daily Inspiration: March 30. Becoming As Little Children

Today, let us leave the hardened, desolate and lonely world that the ego has taught us to judge and fight, and like little children, return to the hidden playground within our own heart and mind. Let us remember that, in every moment, this world is a creation of our mind. It is a reflection of what we choose to value, focus on and support as true. If we choose to see a playground, we will play and make friends with those we meet along the way. If we choose to see it as a war zone, we will fight and defend ourselves until our last dying breaths. Today, no matter how much war the ego demands, like little children, let us laugh away and overlook its silly requests to judge and fight our friends. Instead, let us make the conscious decision to play with all those who God has brought to the playground. If we in every moment, thanks to free will, have the choice between war and play, why would we ever not choose play? Maybe it’s because we have actually forgotten that play is a choice we can, in every single moment, make. Maybe it’s because we have forgotten that God is Love and All, and thus that the choice to play, is always available to us. Are peace, joy, love, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, generosity, trust and charity, among many others, not all symbols of the idea that we can always choose play over war? Imagine, the type of world that you would begin to create, not only for yourself, but also for your children, if you understood that the possibility to play is always but just a choice away. Imagine, teaching your children to simply play nice with everyone. Imagine your children, simply doing what they naturally do, play. Play, and all of Love’s expressions, when we align with them, are all symbols that we are choosing God’s playground over the ego’s battlefields.

We have been given free will by our Creator, and thus we can, in any moment, choose what kind of games we choose to play. Today, let us choose to play the games of peace and joy, of hope and healing. These are all extensions of the game of Love. As Love’s creations these are the games that we were all naturally designed to play. Today, when the ego tries to take away our joy filled game time, and in its place demands that we declare war on a playground friend, let us overlook the silliness of such a request. Let us continue to play with our friend, and recall that everyone we meet, is our friend. Today, everyone we meet, is one that God has brought to us to play. Today, everyone we meet, is here to show us how peaceful, loving and joyful, this world can be. Today, with a childlike innocence, we leave the door open for the possibility that we do not fully comprehend, nor can truly interpret or appreciate, the wholeness of creation. What a relief, not to have to carry the heavy burdensome weight of judgment, not to have to make sense out of the seemingly senseless. What a relief it is to know that there is Someone, a Mother/Father figure in our corner, watching over us, who truly loves and cares for us. Trusting this, we release the thousand ways we have been programmed by the ego to judge and battle each other. Instead, we place the present moment fully in His hands, and play. How easy today becomes, when we place the present moment fully in God’s hands, trust that The Divine is taking care of us, and that all we need do is play. Today, choose to support a child-like mindset, by making kindness, love and playfulness your foundation. Do so and begin to see your world and God’s playground, becoming One.

Today, anytime we catch ourselves seeing God’s children through judgment’s eyes, let us stop, hand over all of our imaginary weaponry to our personal Guardian, and continue our play. By doing so, the thousand false pictures of who the ego has tried to replace the image of God’s children with, will begin to slowly dissolve away. After the fog is lifted, we will see our sisters and brothers standing there, exactly as they are, our joyful playmates in this game call life. Oh, what a precious gift we have been given today, a chance to return to the playground that God has created for us. Let us today play and play, until finally, fully exhausted, we fall back asleep in our Father’s arms. Imagine understanding that the decision to play and enjoy God’s playground is always but a simple childlike choice away. Imagine, no matter the battlefields that the ego places before you, that God’s playground, in any moment, is always available to you. Today, let us choose to play, because in truth there is not a more normal, fun and natural choice for the children of God to make. Your child-self, that part of you that has not been corrupted by the delusions and false concepts of the ego’s world, is who you in truth are, have always been and will always be. This is who in truth we all are, God’s children, playing in His playground. Today, let us make the conscious decision that we will no longer judge, nor battle against, God’s children. Today, no more tears need to ever again be shed on a playground that you have so lovingly co-designed with The Divine. Today, consciously align your thoughts with those of God, and begin, like a child, to fully enjoy this game call life. 

Today, how hard can a day like this be, if all we are being ask to do is play. Play nicely with the children that God has brought to the park for you to play with. Today, anytime that the ego demands that you judge and battle with your friends instead of play, simply overlook the silliness of such a request, and continue your play. Let us remember, that thanks to free will, the moment is ours to do what we wish. Our natural way is to play. As Love’s creations, being loving is our most natural game. Today, remember that as Love’s creation, you are here to love. When you forget to love, simply laugh at the silly notion that the opposite of God who is Love and All could be real. Then after having recall your true loving essence nature, go back to playing, to being God’s child, to being who you were created to be.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy

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Comments (6)

James , I look forward to your article everyday and try too apply it to my life. If an authority figure abused you verbally and/or physically, how can you not judge them? Do I just meet them on the playground and allow them to continue the abuse? Help clear my confusion.

Thank you Reahla for your kind words and for being open to the message.

Above all else, always do what brings you peace, whatever that may be.

Sometimes some action brings you peace, sometimes no action brings you peace.

Do what ever it is that brings you peace, and you will have peace.

Peace. JBC

Thanks, that was very nice and connected with me. I often watch children and the simple joy they have in life. just playing and laughing with friends over little things like the wind blowing. They seem to be so happy and bright and it’s funny because I often comment to my friends saying why can’t adults be like that….We have been programmed poorly and have lost those simple joys in life that should be free and easy.
Take Care……

Thank you Daniel for your comment and for being a member of our community.

Today, let us leave the ego’s past programs behind and once agin become like little children.

Peace. JBC

Thanks for the daily thought James. As always, it came at the right time.

Thank you Vivian for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

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