Daily Inspiration: May 23. A Limitless Well of Kindness Within

Knowingly or not, you possess a limitless well of kindness within you. Yet, the ego would insist otherwise — that kindness is limited and must be rewarded with gratitude for the well to be refilled. According to the ego, if kindness is not rewarded, then you are on the losing end of a transaction, a mathematical formula that proves the scarcity of God. But the ego’s world can never take away what has been gifted to you by God. It is forever yours to keep. We are all One. So nothing real can be given to one person that is withheld from another. Share kindness with any other being, and feel your action refilling your own well. Share kindness with others, and you will get to experience everything that you offer them, and through its memory, get to keep forever. Share kindness with all those you encounter, and that kindness will forever hold and surround you in its soft, warm and loving embrace. Kindness, and any of the other numerous expressions of Love, are eternal, are forever within you, and yet also expand as they are shared. Today, ask God to place you in situations where kindness can be offered to those you meet, just so that you can better understand how kindness can actually become your constant companion. The more aware you become of the opportunities to be kind, the more kindness you will experience in your life. Your kindness need not be some monumental task, a call that you have not yet made to a family member or friend, opening the door for another, smiling at a child that looks your way. Our opportunities to be kind to one another are numerous, and they will all, as you offer them, fill your heart with joy and your mind with peace. Today, know that you are never anywhere by chance. Know that you will be where you are needed. Today, you will be offered opportunities to be kind, so that by doing so you can see, that your well need never run dry. 

We are all One. There is nothing real that is ever given to one, that is withheld from another. Love knows no bounds, for it is what God is, and so it is as boundless as the Creator that encompasses All. No longer invest your time, energy or focus, in the ego’s illusionary programs that try to convince you that what you give away you lose. That is a lie, a deception of the ego, made in order to try to convince you that your brother and you are separate from each other. Our bodies are vehicles that our soul uses to communicate with each other in this physical plain. But our bodies are not truly us, they are simply tools we use. In reality, we are the sameness in our souls. We are the eternal extensions of Love expressing Itself through the physical form. What God is, we forever are. When in doubt, offer God’s Loving energy, that comes in so many forms, such as those of kindness, peace, joy, compassion and forgiveness, to anyone, anytime, and by doing so feel your connection to your Source strengthen, not weaken. When you are offering kindness to another, you are offering God to them. When you are offering any of Love’s expressions to another, you are reminding them that God forever loves and cares for them. We are One with God. When you are kind to another, that is the God part of you, the awaken self, that is being kind to them. Do not concern yourself with reciprocity, for all that One offers, All receive. Any time you are being kind to another, you are being kind to God. God forever remembers, appreciates, and take great joy in your kindness. Today, look at that person in front of you and understand who he or she really is.  He or she Is God’s child, placed in front of you by Him, so that through kindness, you may remind him or her that, even in the chaos and confusion of this world, their Father and Creator has not forgotten them.

Today, let us recall that what is in truth eternally ours, always increases as we shared it. Let it be kindness, as a representative of Love, that today reminds us of our Oneness, and unites us with each other. It is when we truly understand Oneness, that the false concept of transactions end. Through Oneness, we end the ego’s delusional math games, by eternally choosing to give what we ourselves know is forever ours. We forgive, because we ourselves have already been Forgiven. We love, because we ourselves are and have always been Loved. Today, let us offer to those thirsting for truth, through our acts of kindness, drinks from our eternal limitless well. There are many who have forgotten their eternal nature and essence, their bottomless well. Today, help them through your actions, recall who in truth they are. There are many who thirst because they have forgotten. Offer to all of those who today travel along your path, a drink from your well. Do so, so that they too may once again recall, that what has been given to One, has been given to All. Today, hold your head up high knowing, that it is because God trust you with His child, that they have been place upon your path. When you speak or interact with them, remind yourself, this is God’s child. Remind yourself that God has placed them before you, because He trust you to help them heal and recall their eternal nature. Do not concern yourself with what to offer them, for your heart and soul will know. A kind word, a compassionate touch, a heart-felt complement, forgiveness, just being there to listen to them, all these and so many more gifts, you will be guided to offer. All these gifts that you will offer them, you have now within you. These gifts are all expressions of the Love that created you, who in truth you already are, and who you were created to be.

Today, when another person is before us, let us recall that God has placed them there, so that we may offer them a kindness. This kindness will be an expression of Love, a reminder and symbol of, who in truth we all are. Today, let us see how kindness, because it is an expression of Love Who Is All, expands as it is shared. As we share it, we also get to experience it. By experiencing it, we forever get to keep its memory. By blessing others, we heal ourselves. This will reinforce our sense of Oneness. That as we give, we receive. It is through this understanding that we will let go of the rules that the ego has placed on the idea of giving. No longer do we buy into the false concept that if we give we lose, or that we must get something else in return for our kindness. Now we know, that kindness is, its own reward. Today, through kindness, let us design and leave behind the kind of world that we would want our children to inherit.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (13)

Hi JBC. I am going through some dark times at the moment. Your daily messages is really helping a lot. I know in my mind what I have to do to turn things around. Then when I do it the results are opposite to what my intentions were. Maybe I am over thinking the situation but I need a bit of guidance. It is like when I want to do the good the opposite follows. Thanking you in advance. Love Light Joy and Peace. HJP

Thank you HJP for being open to the message.

How many times in the past has something seemingly bad, negative or challenging happened to us, yet with the gift of time we saw how many life lessons, wisdom and knowledge we accumulated thanks to such experiences?

God is Love and All, thus All of our experiences are here for our good, to help us raise our level of consciousness and deepen our self-awareness. When your response to every experience, no matter how you have been programmed to define it, is gratitude, then know that you are in alignment with the Mind of God. When your response is gratitude you are recognizing that you and God have co-design the journey you are now on, and because God is Perfect, every step along your journey will be perfect for you.

When experiencing something as bad, do not put yourself or others down for thinking in this manner. Instead, learn to use such situations to practice increasing your trust in God. Let such situations remind you that because God is Love and All, that this situation, no matter of how the ego has programmed you to experience it and define it, it is occurring with your best interest in mind.

Then thank God and all those involved in the situation, until the states of peace and joy come into your awareness.

Peace. JBC

Great writing , I feel for me this level of kindness begins with myself, by being kind to myself first and honoring my true nature , I begin to unravel the ego’s conditioning and insistence. My own experience shows me while practicing kindness is beneficial to all , by ridding myself of my own injuries I eliminate the “hurt people , hurt people” tendency.
Your teachings of non judgement and self forgiveness are assisting in this endeavor, although I personally fall prey to the lizard brain more than I would like ! Blessings….

Thank you Scott for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

We are all One, and so what you do for yourself, you will have within yourself, to offer to others.

Heal your mind, and those, and the world that you begin to see through the healed mind, will be healed. Let us thus never be made to feel selfish when we are working on healing our own minds, for when we do, we will shine brighter, and this brighter light will then help those who are finding it hard to see, begin to see.

Peace. JBC

Well said James , appreciate you.
Scott D.

Thank you for these words of wisdom, James. The world would surely be a much better place if we all focused on being kind to others.

Thank you Angela for your kind words and for being open to the message.

Allow the light in you to shine brighter and brighter each day. Do so, and more and more people will see that this same light, also exist within them.

Peace. JBC

thank you so much james for guiding me everyday. since i started working on myself through your messages, i have seen miracles happening, i used to believe that this world is temporary and there will come a time when i will reach god after this body’s death. but now through you, i have seen that god was never away, he walks with me. he and me and all are one. and wherever i am, god wants me there. so gratitude and peace have become available to me in every moment. i have started really trusting god. where fear was, now is joy. i can feel god’s abundance. i laugh every time and at every situation.
i know that the faults we see in people are really our faults and every ‘bad’ moment gives us a chance to see the illusion and be free of it. i have broken down many walls through god’s grace and have unlearned a lot. due to this, the people who are really ‘close’ to me like parents have like started questioning me and although the truth in me doesn’t need any defences, i defend it sometimes and it all becomes a mess. when people close to me who feel weird that i am changed so much are demanding explanations, how do i react? do i shut my mouth and smile?
the concept of exclusive love is so scarce. i know that each and every person that god sends my way is his child he entrusted to me. but parents say that you will learn your lesson by loving strangers ‘more’ than us. they feel insecure at my love for ‘others’ i think.
you know, everytime i message you, i feel like my internal kingdom aligns more with god. i know it’s already aligned but after you reply me and i follow that what you say, i can see my alignment with source clearer and clearer. thank you james. thank you so much.

Thank you Shivani for your kind words and for being open to the message.

Everyone you ever think of, interact with or meet, is a gift from God to you, here to help you recall the loving being that you came here to be and share. When you recall this, no matter what they might think, say or do, your response to them will be that of gratitude and peace. Gratitude to them for helping you practice using forgiveness over judgment, compassion over condemnation, and love over fear. Peace, because knowing that as you walk hand in hand with your Creator you are very simply doing what He created you to do. To be and share the energy of love in your own unique ways.

Remember that we are all, in each and every moment, at our highest level of consciousness, doing the best we can with the spiritual and emotional tools we have at that very moment. When you recall that each person you meet, that your parents are in reality doing the best they know how, appreciation, not judgment nor condemnation, will become your response to them and to all those God sends your way.

When in doubt about what to think, say or do, step back and ask God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus or whomever you believe in who is self-actualized Love, to lead the way. When you step back and allow Love to speak through you it will in essence be the highest truth in you who would lead the way. When in doubt, just ask yourself before you speak : “What would Love say now?” or “I now step back and allow you God to lead the way, to speak through me, thank you God, Amen.” Then simply allow that love to flow.

Before any interaction with your parents or anyone else you think in any way doubt you, stop, invite God in, and ask God to lead you in this coming interaction. The goal of any interaction comes at the beginning of that interaction, and so if peace is your goal, remind yourself of that before the interaction takes place. If during the interaction you lose track of your goal, simply stop yourself, take a deep breath, and once again align with your goal and offer that goal to others.

If your parents are feeling like you are loving them less than others, then simply ask them how you can love them more? Maybe every now and then buying your mom her favorite flowers, maybe writing your father a note of appreciation thanking him for all he does, maybe just hugging them more. Find out in which ways they feel most appreciated and loved, and then love and appreciate them in those manners.

Simply remind yourself that each moment God has created it for you, to help you practice representing Him, Love on Earth, and so practice, no matter the situation, making your first response not judgment of self or others but gratitude. Simply stop and remind yourself: “God has created this moment for me. He has designed it to help me grow, heal and awaken me to my loving nature. Thank you God and thank you to all those who are now participating in this moment. I now choose to only share and represent God and his loving expressions such as those of peace, compassion, joy, hope, healing, kindness, gentleness, mercy and grace. Thank you God. Amen.”

You are here to be a light in this world in your very own unique ways. In each moment and interaction remind yourself of this. As you do so you will feel fulfilled because in essence you will be doing what you were created to do and what you came here to do.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Yes,a lot of times kindness is equated with ulterior motives.We can still be loving and kind,it doesn’t matter.Expecting nothing,and giving with love.Thats what we want to do.Also I just noticed this morning,before I read this,that I have been listening to my ego telling me I’m unkind,unsosophisticated and undesirable.Its hard to pinpoint exactly what I thought,so I remembered I’m worthy as everyone is worthy,I’m loved as everyone is loved,and not to compare others or myself.A lot of comparing and competing could get us lost.Peace,love and Joy .

Thank you Donna for your comment.

Anytime that the ego tries to have you buy into its insane mindset that says that Love can create anything other than love, do not buy into its lies as true, in fact answer it back by saying something like:
“God is Love and All. God only creates perfectly, and I am God’s creation. Thus, I am perfect love in the physical form. We are all One. Thus, everyone I look upon and think of, their truth, is also love in the physical form. Some may be asleep to the truth in them, but I know who I am, I know who they are, and I know that my Father/Mother, being Perfection, only creates perfectly.”

Peace. JBC

Love this…kindness seems so rare these days. Often I feel I’m doing something wrong when I’m doing something good.

Thank you Lynette for being open to the message and a member of our community.

Continue to light the way of kindness for those who are perceiving it too dark too see. The more you do so, the more you realize that it is in this state of mind, One with kindness, compassion and love, where you truly belong.

Peace. JBC

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