Daily Inspiration: October 28. Five Steps That Assist Us In Releasing Judgment and Obtaining Peace

Today, the ego will likely come knocking on our mind’s door, demanding that we judge self and others.  Instead of traveling the same tired, dead-end roads that have led us nowhere we want to go, let us try another way. This other way will lead us to our desired destination, the state of peace.

First, let us be sure to set up our goal for today: “Today, my goal for every interaction is to become a reflection and representative of the state of peace.” Because peace is an expression of Love and Love is our Creator, anytime we are at peace we are aligning with our Creator. In doing so, we become the love we were created to be. When we are not at peace, this is not a reflection of what is happening in the world but a reflection of the thoughts that we are having about the world. When we are not at peace, we need not look to change the world but to change our thoughts about our world. Being Love’s creations, peaceful thoughts are our natural expression. Peace, being our Creator, reflects forever within the eternal now. If we are not at peace, we are not experiencing nor are in alignment with the eternal now. If we are not at peace, then we are focused on the past or future. If we are not at peace, then it is our job to, through forgiveness, let go of the past and through a greater trust in God, place the future fully in His hands. Doing so, returns us to the eternal now. Today, when the ego’s darkness tries to enter your mind’s gate, recall its dead-end roads and decline its entry. Today, let us forgive the ego’s efforts and return to peace. Let us recall that judgment, anger, resentment, guilt and regret are all reflections of darkness. You no longer need to be or represent who you are not. Simply be who you in truth are, Love’s creation, peace in physical form.

Second, instead of judging others offer them gratitude, silently or not, for being part of your awakening process. This process is helping you release through forgiveness the ego’s judgment-centered concepts. In doing so you return to peace. Today, through free will let us choose to react not in a way that will bring more pain into this world. Instead let us do so in a way that will help birth in all of us the hope for peace. Today, it is you who will be carrying the lantern of peace to all those who you meet along the way. Do not take your goal or mission lightly. Light is what you have come to bring into this world. Light is who you are because that is who your Creator is. Only as a representative of the Light will you truly feel fulfilled, at home and at peace. Today be who you came here to be. When feeling lost and confused, do not despair. Instead be still and recall there is nothing easier than being who in truth you are. Today, breathe deeply, trust God, relax, forgive all others. Doing what you came here to do will deliver to you the state of peace.

Third, use all opportunities and interactions to practice brightening your light and thus achieving greater self-awareness. Let us do so by offering to others the opposite of what the ego demands. If the ego demands judgment, offer forgiveness. If it insists on condemnation, offer compassion. If it wants you tossing and turning at night with the thoughts of anger, resentment, worry, guilt and regret, stop that line of thinking. Then silently but wholeheartedly pray for everyone’s healing, for their health, happiness and peace. Do this each and every time you think of them. Do so and you’ll become a representative of and One with the state of peace.

Fourth, acknowledge to yourself no matter how unpleasant the ego says that the situation is that the choice of love over fear is always available. So to are the choice of forgiveness over judgment, compassion over condemnation and peace over pain. You have free will and thus no longer need to buy into the ego’s lies as true. You no longer need to support a mindset that does not support you. Today recall that if you are not align with the state of peace then it is the ego who is thinking for you. If you find yourself allowing this do not despair or judge yourself as less than. Instead take that opportunity to choose once again.  Forgive, return to the now, consciously align with your Creator, put the present moment fully in God’s hands, and be at peace. Peace is your Creator’s gift to you because that is who He is. Being His child you are forever worthy of His gifts.

Fifth, practice using every interaction to come back into alignment with the now. Then within the now remind yourself that it is you, not the ego, who is in charge. It is the truth in you, not the ego, who should be in control over your mind, thoughts, words, actions, reactions and interactions. It is you not the ego who has the final say of what to think, say and do. Being God’s creation you are forever worthy of His inheritance. Remind yourself that being all One everyone else is equally worthy of this same gift. Being all One, simply offer all others what you desire for yourself. Do so and the experience will be yours to enjoy and share. Today, keep aligning with and representing the state of peace. Do so and sooner or later peace will once again become your natural expression and foundation.

Today, our goal is simple: To represent peace in every interaction. To represent peace all we need do is be who in truth we are and let go of the rest. We are not judgment nor anger. We are not resentment nor revenge. We are the love that God is. Peace is one of Love’s primary expressions. Peace is our true nature and Home. Peace is who we were created to be and share. There is in truth nothing easier than being who we were created to be. It is in reality an effortless accomplishment. What is hard is trying to be who we are not. Anytime we are being anything other than loving we are being who we are not. When you find yourself being who you are not, do not despair. Do not judge yourself or others. Simply recognize this is not who you are, nor is it your goal today. Then align once again with your goal and become and share who you came here to be.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (6)

Thank you…I needed this today!

Thank you Charlene for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

Fourth, acknowledge to yourself that no matter how unpleasantly the ego tries to define the situation, that the choice of forgiveness over judgment, condemnation over compassion, and peace over pain, are always available to you.

Did you not mean compassion over condemnation?


Yes. Thanks so much for pointing it out. We fixed it.

I love these Daily but I did not get mine today so I am resubscribing.

Thank you Ned for being open to the message.

All 365 posts are new/expanded this year, so sometimes I don’t get to finish the daily post till late that same day, thus why you might get them late in the day sometimes this year.

Peace. JBC

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