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Experiencing The Act Of Unlearning As A Gift
Video message based on the Inspirational Daily post of May 19:
When you are expressing your true essence, that of love, compassion, forgiveness, peace, and joy, you will have a flowing sensation throughout your day. Anytime during the day that you do not feel yourself flowing, know that there is some type of unlearning/releasing of the illusion that you are bringing into your awareness. Do not curse such moments for having you focus on what you are not, instead offer gratitude that by seeing them for what they truly are, you now have the opportunity to unlearn what you no longer desire to experience or become an example of. Let us remember that every time we experience such a moment, a moment that the ego would have us judge others and ourselves for, instead see it as the gift of freedom that it truly is. Today let us use these opportunities to remove another brick out of our ego’s backpack, take a good look at it, acknowledging that we do not need to carry it, set it down, and with a sigh of relief, wider smile, and a lighter step, continue on our journey. …continue reading.
- James Blanchard Cisneros
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