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Feeling As If We Do Not Belong
Video message based on Facebook post of February 19:
We look upon the world we have created and yet we feel like outcasts, like we do not belong. We build our house’s foundation out of the sandy pillars the ego has provided us, and still wonder why we feel insecure and unstable. We create a false-self that mask the light within yet do not understand why we can’t see or understand what is really going on. Yet let us not despair, for if we can teach ourselves something as difficult and unnatural as whom you are not, then know we can teach ourselves something as easy and natural as whom we truly are. Today let us begin aligning with our natural states, that of peace, joy, and love, by expressing these thoughts and emotions in whatever ways feel most natural to us. It is by practicing each day who in truth we are, that we will realize how we fit, belong, and truly desire to participate in this world. …continue reading.
- James Blanchard Cisneros
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