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God’s Love Is Always Available To You.
Video message based on Facebook post of July 8:
God has selected all of us, or else all of us would not be here. If you are here on Earth, it is because God and the world need you here. Today, if anxious or if a sense of hopelessness seems to be draining the oxygen out of the sky you breathe, pause and say to yourself, “I now choose to stop supporting thoughts and a way of thinking that are not supporting me.” Then look inward and from a deep place within your heart and soul, ask to have the breath of life once again breathed into you. Love is your oxygen. Love is your true fuel source and foundation. Love is your eternal essence and nature. Being all One, when you feel low on fuel, offer any of love’s expressions to others. When you do, love will flow through you and throughout your day. Offer what you desire to experience, and you will feel your own tank refilling. …continue reading.
- James Blanchard Cisneros
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