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How ‘Others’ Help Us Heal
Video message based on the Inspirational Daily post of June 18:
You naturally eject tainted food out of your body in order not to get ill from food poisoning. Equally so, you naturally eject/project illusionary thinking out of your mind because you think this releases your emotional/mental pain. When we are supporting illusionary thinking as real, what we are really doing is making an unconscious call out to the universe for help and healing. All calls to the Universe will be heard and answered. Those individuals who most resonate with your calls will volunteer and come to us so that we may project unto them our internal conflict/condition. They act as projection screens by mirroring our internal mental state in an external format so that we can more easily view and review our beliefs/confusion. Many times it is only by physically externalizing and experiencing our illusions that we are able to see them for what they are, work through them, release them, and find peace. Today when the ego once again demands you judge another, remember that they are simply volunteering, and answering our own calls for help and healing. Today let us show them gratitude and acknowledge the true and vital part they play in our healing. …continue reading.
- James Blanchard Cisneros
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