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Making Peace and Joy the Goals for Your Interactions
Video message based on the Inspirational Daily post of August 3:
If you would like to experience more peace of mind and joy in your life, then make that your goal before more of your interactions. You can set your goal before your interactions by reminding yourself: “What I offer my brother, I will get to experience myself. Therefore, in this interaction, I will offer my brother the peace and joy that I myself would like to experience and enjoy.” Now you go into the interaction with your goal already set. In doing so, the interaction then becomes a means to achieve your goal. The more you proactively set your goals for your daily activities, the more you’ll get to enjoy the bounty of your harvest. Moving from a reactive to a proactive state of mind will move you from feeling like a victim in this world — to being a conscious creator of it. …continued.
- James Blanchard Cisneros
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