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Over Time We Will See And Feel Judgment’s Wounds
Video message based on the Inspirational Daily post of September 20:
God’s creations. They too are here to love and to be loved. Being all One, you cannot treat any creation of Love un-lovingly and still think of yourself as fully worthy of love and being loved. You cannot treat a part of the Whole un-lovingly, and still love every part of yourself. I do understand that in certain parts of this world, people have little choice. This message is not for those who don’t have a choice. Nor is this message meant to judge anyone’s choices, whatever they may be. This message is simply trying to offer another way to live in a higher vibrational state. A more gentle and loving path helps raise your vibration. Raising the vibrational quality of your food raises the vibration of your body and thus of your physical and mental health. The higher your vibration, the more aligned you will be with the mind of God, and thus the more peace and joy you will experience. …continue reading.
- James Blanchard Cisneros
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