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Respecting How You Feel Is Respecting Yourself
Video message based on the Inspirational Daily post of October 18:
If you are not in the mood, or don’t feel ready to forgive, then don’t. Don’t sweep your true feelings under the rug, or try to quiet them through some spiritual mambo jumbo that is not currently in alignment with how you honestly feel. Respect your feelings, for if you are not respecting your feelings then you are not respecting yourself. Respect what it is you believe you are going through, and think you need to go through, to reach a more peaceful place within your heart and mind. Do not judge yourself as less than others, or not spiritual enough, because you are holding onto pain and resentment longer than others suggest you do. No one who’s living from their truth will ever judge your process or journey. Forgiveness is part of remembering our true nature, thus we will always gravitate, and consciously or not navigate towards it, trust this and feel free to do so at our own sacred pace, at your own appointed time. …continue reading.
- James Blanchard Cisneros
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