The Ego’s “Solutions” to Bitterness and Anger


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The Ego’s “Solutions” to Bitterness and Anger

Video message based on Facebook post of September 8:

More bitterness and anger is the ego’s solution to bitterness and anger. The ego’s solutions sound sane only to an insane world. If you think of another and unloving and judgmental thoughts come to mind, because we are all One, these thoughts of “others” hurt and punish you. Once you start to consciously desire peace of mind and joy more than self inflicted pain and punishment, it is then you will do the opposite of what has not worked for you. Today when thoughts of bitterness and anger are insisted upon by the ego’s programming, instead sit for a moment, close your eyes, quiet the mind, and let these words be birth from your soul: “Staring today, right now, I no longer support bitterness and anger as solutions to my confusion. I no longer choose to carry within, maintain and sustain such energies. Father/Mother, today, right now, I hand over, release these thoughts to You, and watch them dissolved in your loving light. Father, through You, help me, forgive him and thus free myself. Amen”. …continued.

- James Blanchard Cisneros


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Comments (2)

David Frederickson

I have chosen to be bitter and angry after all that has been done to me in my life. I don’t think it is wrong or right it is a choice. Some choose to be happy and positive and forgive some of us do not.

Thank you David for being open to the message and a part of our community. Peace. JBC

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