What Has Anger and Judgment Ever Done For Us?

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What Has Anger and Judgment Ever Done For Us?

Video message based on the Inspirational Daily post of October 5:

Today let us consciously choose to no longer hold anyone prisoner to anger and judgment. Remember that both the jailer and prisoner share in the same accommodations. The ego’s insists that we have every right to feel anger and judgment, but has that advice ever brought us the peace of mind and joy we so desire and deserve? Has our decision to follow the ego’s programming and judge a fellow brother or sister as guilty ever calmed our minds while we try and fall asleep? Has anger ever helped us wake up lighthearted, joyful, and feeling free? Today we realize what judgment and anger are doing to us, and we reject whatever argument it makes that says that being right is worth more than our peace of mind and joy. Today we through forgiveness set our brothers and sisters free, and forever close the gates of a prison that was never meant to house us, any of us.

- James Blanchard Cisneros


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