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You Will Never Be Judged By Anyone’s Truth
Video message based on the Inspirational Daily post of September 17:
God is Love and All. Thus judgment is not a real aspect of the truth in us. Anything that is in opposition to Love does not represent the truth in us. Anything in opposition to All, in truth is nothing, not real. It is only when we buy into the ego’s mindset, programs and fairy tales as real that the false concept of judgment seems rational and right. Wisdom is not judgment. Wisdom involves relinquishing judgment, letting go of what was never real or true. Our truth, the love within us, can never judge. Equally so, the truth in others can never judge us. If the truth in others cannot judge us, then there is no need to defend ourself against other people’s judgments. …continue reading.
- James Blanchard Cisneros
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