We are all One. Today, if we are having trouble forgiving people, then every single time we think of them, let us pray for their health, happiness, awakening, joy and peace of mind. Let us offer them everything that we desire for ourselves. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Do you desire true all-encompassing peace? If so, with all your heart and soul, pray for your enemies, for their peace of mind, joy, health, healing, light, understanding and awakening just as you would if they were your own family, for in truth, they are. – James Blanchard Cisneros
We are all One. Do you truly desire to be free from your past pain? If so, those you once condemned, now pray for and ask for God’s blessings to bring them joy, health and peace – James Blanchard Cisneros
Your highest will and God’s Will for you are One. God’s Will for your life, is your highest will for your life. When the Bible says “Thy Will be done” it is equally and also saying “May my/your highest will be done,” there is no difference. We are all One, and so it should not be so difficult to believe that God’s will for you and your highest will are connected, are One? Ask yourself; do you not want the best, most beautiful, joyful, passion filled, and loving life for your children? Do you not hope and pray for their health, happiness, and peace every day? Do you not think that our Creator’s Will for All His children is at the very least as equally loving and supportive as your will is for your children?…