
What is Death?

The Ego’s “Solutions” to Bitterness and Anger

Experiencing The Expression Of Fulfillment

The Physical World Is A Reflection Of Our Collective Internal Condition

Inspiring message with video commentary: “The Physical World Is A Reflection Of Our Collective Internal Condition” by James Blanchard Cisneros.

You Are Not Lost, You Are Not A Failure

Creating Our Reality Through The Thoughts We Think

Inspiring message with video commentary: “We Create our Reality Every Day through the Thoughts we Think” by James Blanchard Cisneros.

The Ego’s Illusion of Indecisiveness

You are the Gatekeeper of Your Mind

Solutions to the Ego’s Judgment, Stress, Anxiety, and Anger

Inspiring message with video commentary: “Solutions to Problems, Confusions, Illusions, and Fairy Tales” by James Blanchard Cisneros.

Let Us Stop Supporting Thoughts That Don’t Support Us

Inspiring message with video commentary: “Today We Stop Supporting Thoughts, Feelings, and Emotions That Don’t Support Us” by James Blanchard Cisneros.