
The Eternal Internal Gift: Our Soul’s Song

Today, Practice Loving Those Today, Practice Loving Those the Ego has Deemed Unlovable - Inspirational Quote

Today, Practice Loving Those the Ego has Deemed Unlovable – Inspirational Quote

We are all One. When you practice loving those the ego has programmed you to believe are unlovable, you will be learning how to love areas within yourself that the ego has programmed you to believe are not worthy of being loved. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Today, Let Us Not Punish Another Through Anger and Judgment - Inspirational Quote

Today, Let Us Not Punish Another Through Anger and Judgment – Inspirational Quote

We are all One. Anytime you are punishing another through anger or judgment, you are unconsciously punishing yourself, and silently telling yourself that you are unworthy of peace. – James Blanchard Cisneros

It is Time to Stop Punishing Ourselves - Inspirational Quote

It is Time to Stop Punishing Ourselves – Inspirational Quote

We have been taught by the ego to judge ourselves as bad, not worthy or spiritual enough for having and expressing negative emotions. But what peace has the ego’s teachings ever brought to us? Isn’t it time to stop punishing ourselves for being human? – James Blanchard Cisneros

You are the Physcial Manifestation of God's Thought - Inspiratioanal Quote

You are the Physcial Manifestation of God’s Thought – Inspiratioanal Quote

There was a moment in existence where God thought, and from this thought you were created. You are the physical manifestation of God’s thought. Acknowledge to yourself for just one instant what this truly means and you will never again think of yourself as unworthy to have the life you truly desire – James Blanchard Cisneros

All Experiences Can Help You Awaken - Inspirational Quote

All Experiences Can Help You Awaken – Inspirational Quote

All experiences, no matter how unworthy, hurtful or embarrassing you thought they were, can be of use in your growth, development and awakening – James Blanchard Cisneros

Judge Yourself No longer for Being Human

How and Why the Ego Tries to Hide Your Inheritance

Compassion for Those in Emotional Pain

Inspiring message with video commentary: “Self-Worth, Raising our Level of Compassion for Those in Pain” by James Blanchard Cisneros.