We are delighted to be selling You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros. You can get more information about this inspiring book here. You can read sections of this book through the Table of Contents here. And you can purchase the book here.
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i want to thank you so very much for your beautiful teachings. i absolutely love the way you write and the way you help so many people, including myself. life can be very confusing sometimes but your answers to the many questions i have are written so i understand. i feel the Love of God in every word you write!
Again, Thankyou for your book “You have chosen to Remember”, and having it online. i look forward everyday for my daily inspirations.
Thank you Laurie for your kind words and for being open to the message.
May you each day gently begin to lift the veils of the ego’s dark judgment centric programming and by doing so begin to rediscover the Light within, the loving, compassionate, forgiving and joyful being the God created you to be.
Each day, if the ego demands judgment, use that moment to practice forgiving instead. If the ego insist you condemn, use those moments to practice offering greater compassion. If the ego want you to become worried and anxious, learn to use those moments, but not to delve deeper into the darkness but to practice trusting God more. Do so and you’ll become the light of the world that God created you to be.
All glory to God.
Peace. JBC
Love this book. Read it years ago; needing to read again now. And I have come home.
Thank you Paula for your kind words and for being open to the message.
Peace. JBC