In my first totally conscious OBE, I answered for myself two of the deepest questions a human being can ask himself: “Can I really exist without my body and can my soul actually curse?” During the experience, I remembered the vibrations quickening in speed and raising in volume. Fear had stopped me so many times before, but this time, I was ready. The vibrations quickened to the point where it felt more natural to leave my body than to stay in it. I gave the okay to go and I was gone. Immediately, I found myself shooting out of my body and ended up five feet over it. I must say that the first phrase that I ever uttered while out of my body was not “this is one small step for me and one giant leap for mankind.” I just looked around in total awe, and when I realized what was really happening, I yelled, “What the [expletive] am I doing up here?” After that now infamous first phrase, I shot myself right back and, with one big thump, re-entered my body and the experience was over.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 266
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
So, overcoming fear was still very much a major part of the out-of-body experience for me. Now, once again, I found myself in the meditative state that allows for conscious OBEs and once again I had to fight the fears which I now know are not real, but I had made them real because of my belief in them. I again felt the vibrations in my body quickening. I had read about this, but it was definitely very different to read about it than to actually experience it physically. Not only was I feeling a very real vibrational quickening inside my body, but there were also a lot of strange and loud noises that accompanied this shift. I had read that this was totally safe and I believed it, or so I thought. I kept telling myself to keep it together, to stay strong, that it was all right. I kept telling myself that all the fear I was experiencing was simply an illusion I was creating. So I stayed on course, yet the vibrations seemed to quicken and the noises got louder. It was literally like an earthquake occurring inside my body, yet I somehow understood that there was no physical movement occurring. I knew that my physical body was completely still, and yet I felt I was traveling at 200 miles per hour in a ’72 Land Cruiser, on a bumpy dirt road, during an earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale.
I then felt like my spirit wanted to shoot out of my body. I kept telling myself to keep it together, that I was creating all the fear I was experiencing. I literally felt myself wanting to leave my body, and that all I had to do was give the okay. The feeling was similar to traveling in your car at a high rate of speed, sticking your hand out the window, and creating a cupping shape with your hand. You would feel intense wind pressure against your hand, making you use the strength in your arm to keep your hand upright. At some point, there would be too much pressure against your hand. That was how I felt – like I was literally keeping myself inside my body. All I had to do was to let go, and I would have been released. At that point, it felt more natural to leave my body than to stay in it.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 267
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
Just as I finally got up the courage to let go to see what would happen, I remembered that my mother was in the house. My first thought after that was, what if the books that I read were wrong? What if I somehow leave my body, and can’t find my way back? What if I die and my mother is the first one to find my lifeless body in my room? Death was really not as big of a deal as my mother being the first to find my dead body. Although I felt I had the courage to leave, I did not want my mother’s pain on my conscience. At least that’s the excuse I used at that time. So there I was, ready to physically leave, but not emotionally secure enough to let go and too worried about coming back. I remember telling myself, “Okay, if someone can guarantee me a ticket back, I will be more than ready to leave.” I then asked my spirit guides to give me a sign that I would be okay, that it would be safe for me to leave. Suddenly, at what seemed to be 50 yards above me, there appeared a white bird, and behind the white bird there appeared to be the sun. For a moment, I became mesmerized by the beauty and realism of this scene. The white bird flew in a figure eight pattern, yet it stayed in front of what I thought was the sun. It had the brightness of the sun but it did not at all hurt my eyes. Then again, I was not using my physical eyes to see this, but I could still “see” it. Although the bird flew in a figure eight, the sun was always its background. I say background, because I could always see the entire bird, and it always seemed to fly in front of this bright light.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 267-268
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
Footnotes / Acknowledgments
Every effort has been made to provide accurate source attribution. Should any attribution be found to be incorrect, the author welcomes written documentation supporting correction for subsequent printings. For material not in the public domain, selection was made according to generally accepted fair-use standards and practices.
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