
Our Journey to the Present Moment

Being Grateful to the Signposts of Our Journey

Our Journey’s Purpose Resides Within US Now

This Year It Is You Who Becomes the Hero of Your Journey

Inspiring message with video commentary: “This Year It Is You Who Becomes the Hero of Your Journey” by James Blanchard Cisneros.

Every Day You Create Your Own Individualized Workshop

Each Step of Your Journey is Sacred – Inspirational Quote

Today, practice seeing each step of your journey as sacred, as a blessing, here to serve you, to help you do what you came here to do. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Every Part of Your Journey is Sacred - Inspirational Quote

Every Part of Your Journey is Sacred – Inspirational Quote

Just as every single piece of a puzzle is necessary for its successful completion, so too is every single part of your journey, sacred and necessary for its successful completion. Trust this and be at peace. – James Blanchard Cisneros

You are the Creation of Timelessness - Inspirational Quote

You are the Creation of Timelessness – Inspirational Quote

Birth was not your beginning and neither will death be your end. They are both simply steps on our soul’s journey. You are the creation of Timelessness. Your true beauty will never fade or bow down before the hands of time. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Every Part of Your Journey is Sacred - Inspirational Quote

Every Part of Your Journey is Sacred – Inspirational Quote

Every single part of your journey is necessary for its successful completion. Your journey is sacred. Not parts of it, all of it. Not parts of you, all of you. – James Blanchard Cisneros