Inspiring message with video commentary: “The Gift of Non-Divisible Love” by James Blanchard Cisneros.
When you recall that only your thoughts can hold you hostage, you will be free from other people’s judgments of you. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Bad, sad, negative and upsetting situations help us realize what we do not want, which helps us better understand what we truly do desire. – James Blanchard Cisneros
A part of your mission in life is to be and share love. Thus when you are offering and being an example of love, in whatever ways feel most natural to you, a sense of fulfillment is felt, because, in essence, you are doing what you came here to do. – James Blanchard Cisneros
We are all One. When you berate another, you hurt yourself. When you bless another, you heal yourself. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Negative emotions are useful in helping us understand what thoughts we are still holding within our hearts and minds that do not belong in us. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Breathe deeply. Relax. How many times did you think you were having a bad day, only to later realize all the wisdom you received from it? – James Blanchard Cisneros
Breathe deeply. Let the rat race go. Like a gentle, quiet river that flows toward the sea, feel free to reach your destination at your own sacred pace and time. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Peace is the inheritance that your trust in God’s plan gives you. – James Blanchard Cisneros
We are all One. When you judge others, you are unconsciously teaching yourself that it is okay for others to judge you. – James Blanchard Cisneros