Before that thought form, I went through the day without noticing the splendor of the great service that could be provided in the moment. Today I’m eternally grateful for even the shortest of interactions, and now, like a small child on Christmas Eve, I look forward to each and every moment as a present waiting to be unwrapped, experienced and shared.
Before that thought form, I would open doors for people or give away my seat on the bus simply because I was taught that it was the right thing to do. Today, I experience great joy in such actions and thank God for being able to be there for the interaction. I now see any moment that I can be of service as offering a great service to humanity.
Before that thought form, I found silence boring, and tried to find something to drown it out. Today, I use those moments to fill my body and soul with a light filled with absolute peace and gratitude that I then use to expand out into the world. And as the world breathes a little easier, so too do I.
Before that thought form, I fought to better myself and directly lead and serve a great number of people. Today I find peace and love in the moment. This expands to everyone I touch and with whom I interact, and they in turn expand what I offer them to others. By doing so, I serve the world. By simply knowing the truth about my brothers, sisters and myself, I help lead the world to a more peaceful and joyful place.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 102
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
What if any and every moment you experience anger, frustration and stress could be reinterpreted through understanding, forgiveness and love? Would you not be grateful for such a shift in your perceptions?
Remember in the Godself’s view, there is no experience or expression other than that of love or a call for love, a call for assistance. Thus, if in any moment you perceive that your brother is doing something that is causing you anger, frustration and stress, then understand that not only is he asking for assistance, but that you yourself are asking for assistance. Yes, you have unconsciously asked your brother to help you bring forth to your conscious mind those areas in your life where you still perceive that reactions and expressions of frustration, anger, and stress are correct and proper responses to God’s creation.
Where the ego-self has trained you to act and react with frustration, anger and stress, the Godself is trying to remind you of the true gift that your brother is offering. Remember that every moment that the ego-self defines with frustration, anger and stress, that same moment is seen by the Godself as a gift to be grateful for. The gift is allowing you to consciously bring up the blocks to your awareness of love’s presence. The blocks must be brought to the surface, seen, experienced and understood before they are dismantled, and that is what your brother is offering you. Once the blocks to your awareness of love’s presence are dismantled, all that is left is the awareness of love’s presence in every moment. Would you not be grateful to your brother or sister for this offering? Would you not be grateful to them once and for all for assisting you in dismantling the blocks of frustration, anger and stress and showing you the moment as it truly is? Is not the replacement of anger, frustration and stress with love a wondrous gift? Would gratitude not be the proper response to such a gift?
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 123 – 124
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
I remember smiling at Jesus during the experience, and mentally expressing to Him that I “got it.” And I remember Him smiling back at me, mentally expressing to me that He knew I did. In a time of chaos, I found a moment of peace. Once this moment was recognized, it became all there was. It was I who had made the chaos real by focusing on it, and it was I who released this chaos by focusing on the truth. In any moment, you have a choice. Focus on the illusion and you will experience it; focus on the truth and you will experience it. As you grow, fear and chaos will be released, and peace and harmony will take their place. It will be these moments of growth that will lead you to experience more consistent peace and harmony in your life. It will be experiences such as these that will remind you that the choice to focus on fear and chaos or peace of mind and joy are yours.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 163
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
My friend, if we’re not in the now, we are lost. We bring judgments of the past into the present and question why we don’t understand what is really going on. We look at a brother or sister, call him or her a stranger instead of a friend and speculate as to why we live in fear. My friend, we live in fear because we bring all of our past judgments into the present moment.
We extend our past into the present, creating a future like our past, and thus we never really experience the present. Living this way, we can not experience the perfection of the present moment. The present is God’s eternal gift to us. It is when we look at a brother or sister without past judgments and see a friend. When we see our brother or sister as God’s perfect creation, we are experiencing the present moment. It happens when we look into our brothers and sisters’ eyes and see ourselves reflected in them. You need only do this once and you will want no other way. If you see your brother or sister as something other than God’s perfect creation, know that you are exchanging your past judgments for the present moment.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 184
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
When properly perceived, all moments are opportunities to remember the presence of love. When things seem to be going against us, they are occurring in order to allow us to see and experience our personal blocks to the awareness of love’s presence. The presence of love is available to us in every moment. Gratitude and joy are the only sane responses to the presence of love. If gratitude and joy are not our immediate responses to the moment, we are misperceiving reality. The unconscious misperception of reality produces confusion and stress. Any confusion and stress that we are experiencing are, in and of themselves, gifts because they make us aware of our personal blocks to the awareness of love. The moments when we experience stress and confusion can actually be used as opportunities to find and define our unconscious blocks. In finding and defining these blocks, we begin the undoing process. In the undoing process, we question why it is that we are choosing to act and or react in a manner that is causing us stress and confusion. Sooner or later, we acknowledge to ourselves that we do not want to act or react in a manner that causes us stress and confusion. By acknowledging behaviors we don’t want to experience, we come to understand and recognize that there is another way, a more sane and loving way to experience the moment. We can then begin acting and reacting in this more loving manner and subsequently experience more love and joy in our lives. We can then experience greater peace in our lives. There will be moments when we forget and react and act with confusion and stress, but these occasions will slowly diminish and become a smaller part of our days. As they become a smaller part of our days, they also become a smaller part of our lives. The moments when awareness of the presence of love is experienced increases, filling a larger part of our days. Gratitude and joy become natural responses to having such daily awarenesses. The same moments in which we previously experienced stress and confusion, we now experience the presence of love, and we can simply smile at our past misperceptions. Not only can we smile, but we can also experience gratitude for them. We will know that it was only because we got tired of what they offered that we ever questioned their existence in our lives. And again, we can look back into our past and this time see every misperception as the true gift that it was. Once more, we can smile and be thankful in acknowledging the perfection of each moment in our lives. In this, we can find great peace, for we can understand that in all future moments, we will also have the opportunity to acknowledge the presence of love and be thankful for its perfection.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 224 to 225
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
Be open to new experiences, for they are often signs and guideposts that the universe offers us as guidance. Most of us move throughout the day on autopilot, not paying attention to signposts, considering them every day data that we process on one level or another. For example, a few days before a business trip to New Orleans, I was driving on I-95 headed north to West Palm Beach, Florida. Off to my right, I saw a billboard advertising renewing driver’s licenses via the Internet. I thought to myself, “this sounds like a great idea, a real time saver.” In my mind, I gave the state of Florida points for using the Internet in such a productive manner. I usually don’t pay any attention to billboards, but this one stuck in my mind. I promised myself that next time I had to renew my license I would do it via the “Net.”
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 242
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
Footnotes / Acknowledgments
Every effort has been made to provide accurate source attribution. Should any attribution be found to be incorrect, the author welcomes written documentation supporting correction for subsequent printings. For material not in the public domain, selection was made according to generally accepted fair-use standards and practices.
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