Negative emotions are useful in helping us understand what thoughts we are still holding within our hearts and minds that do not belong in us. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Inspirational Quotes: Negative Thinking > Images
Catch yourself when you are lacking peace, and remember that you control your thoughts. Your thoughts do not control you. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Do not judge yourself for having “negative” thoughts or emotions. Many times, it is only by experiencing them long enough that you get to fully comprehend the futility of such beliefs and behaviors. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Today, we look at our negative emotions with wisdom and grace. We thank them for teachings us who we are not, and thus for their participation in our awakening process. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Today, we do not run away or try to hide from our negative emotions. For as we awaken, we no longer need to hide from the monsters in our dreams. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Today, we do not judge or invalidate our negative emotions.Instead, we see them as our internal guidance system showing us where we are supporting the ego’s programming as real. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Negative emotions can serve a greater good. That’s why we have brought them into our experience. When we learn to respect our whole experience, we learn to respect our whole self. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Having “negative” thoughts and emotions is not a sign of failure. Often, they can be a part of processing and growth. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Do not feel shamed into hiding your “negative” emotions. If you avoid negative thoughts and emotions, then you also avoid their lessons. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Do not judge yourself for having “negative” emotions. For the only emotions we can truly heal are those we allow ourselves to feel. – James Blanchard Cisneros