
It is Time to Stop Punishing Ourselves - Inspirational Quote

It is Time to Stop Punishing Ourselves – Inspirational Quote

We have been taught by the ego to judge ourselves as bad, not worthy or spiritual enough for having and expressing negative emotions. But what peace has the ego’s teachings ever brought to us? Isn’t it time to stop punishing ourselves for being human? – James Blanchard Cisneros

You Are Worthy of Peace - Inspirational Image

You Are Worthy of Peace – Inspirational Image

You are worthy of peace. Yet you have free will, thus even God must wait for your decision to value His peace more than the ego’s pain. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Forgiveness Frees You from the Pain of the Past - Inspirational Quote

Forgiveness Frees You From the Pain of the Past – Inspirational Quote

Forgiveness is about freeing yourself from the pain of the past. It’s about taking control of the thoughts and memories that now have control over you. Forgiveness is about looking deep into the mirror and saying to yourself: “I forgive because I am worthy of peace.” – James Blanchard Cisneros

You are Worthy of Peace - Inspirational Quote

You are Worthy of Peace – Inspirational Quote

You are worthy of peace. If I could whisper this to your soul a thousand times today I would. You are worthy of peace. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Your True Worth is Gifted to You by God - Inspirational Quote

Your True Worth is Gifted to You by God – Inspirational Quote

Your worth is perfect, gifted to you by your Creator, unchanged by time, unaffected by what you think or do not think about yourself. You (or anyone else) can never subtract from or add to your true worth. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Release Self-Judgment for you are Worthy of Peace - Inspirational Quote

Release Self-Judgment for you are Worthy of Peace – Inspirational Quote

Let us put aside the ego’s desire for self-judgment and remember that we are our Creator’s creation, that we are love and worthy of peace. – James Blanchard Cisneros

i Am Worthy of Love - Inspirational Quote

i Am Worthy of Love – Inspirational Quote

When we acknowledge that we are worthy of love, we open the door to it. And by opening this door, we let others in – James Blanchard Cisneros

You are the Physcial Manifestation of God's Thought - Inspiratioanal Quote

You are the Physcial Manifestation of God’s Thought – Inspiratioanal Quote

There was a moment in existence where God thought, and from this thought you were created. You are the physical manifestation of God’s thought. Acknowledge to yourself for just one instant what this truly means and you will never again think of yourself as unworthy to have the life you truly desire – James Blanchard Cisneros

Your Self Worth is Perfect - Inspirational Quote

Your Self Worth is Perfect – Inspirational Quote

Your worth is perfect, gifted to you in your creation, changeless in time. No one can add to or subtract from your worth. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Feeling Free to Feel Your Feelings