Once you begin living a more spiritually fulfilling life, your sense of connection actually increases. Regardless of how others live their lives, your inner sense of connection and love for those with whom you interact increases. As you recognize the truth in you, so too will you begin to recognize that the same truth exists in all of your brothers and sisters. Others around you might still choose to experience fear and pain which they demonstrate through expressions such as stress, anxiety, judgment and anger. You will have compassion for them, because you will understand where they think they are coming from. But you will not share in their thoughts about themselves, or be involved in their pain and suffering, for you will quickly recognize that it is an illusion they are experiencing.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 52
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
Do you currently believe that you lack certain personality traits that allow you to have a more fulfilling life? You might think of yourself as not having some of these qualities, but my friend, I offer you this reminder: It is not that you don’t have these traits; it is simply that you are looking for a greater expression of them in your life. You have everything you need to be who you want to be. It is simply the recognition and expression of this that will awaken your memory.
The more time you spend convincing yourself that you do not have the traits you need for a more fulfilling life, the more you will increase the power of those thoughts over you. The more you increase their power, the more you will see them as real and true. The more you see them as real and true, the more you will defend them against other thoughts that question their reality. The more you see them as worth defending, the more you will defend them against the world and the more you will believe that they are worth defending. The more you buy into their reality, the harder it is for you to understand that you have done this to yourself. My friend, you are simply covering the treasure that lies within with dirt. Yet, however many feet of dirt you cover your treasure with, it does not eliminate the fact that the treasure still lies within.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 78
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
A fulfilling life is not only possible but also immediately accessible. There are no outside traits you must obtain to begin living such a life. If you have the thought of such a trait, it does not come from a sense of lack, but from a memory that is asking to be expressed. Through its expression, you will recognize that you have everything you need. Fulfillment comes as a result of acknowledging that you have everything you need.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 80
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
Your destiny comes about as a result of what you do now. You are responsible for what you do and experience now, therefore you are responsible for the destiny you will experience. You are in a constant state of creating your destiny. Every moment contributes to the destiny you will experience. What you are doing and experiencing now is your current reality. You have a great deal more control over your current reality than your ego has allowed you to remember. In fact, you are in a constant state of creating, manifesting and experiencing your reality. Each moment in your life is created, manifested and experienced by you for your growth and development. Let me further explain what I mean.
Creation is the act of bringing a thought to your mind, forming a plan for its implementation and execution, and putting that plan to action. Manifestation is the physical result of your mental creation. Experience is the way you choose to see and react to your manifestation.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 230
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
Your purpose in life – your life’s mission – will be something you love and take great joy in. Joy is a natural expression of one who is fulfilling his or her purpose. What offers you peace? What gives you joy? What do you love to do? All these are clues to the destiny that you’re trying to reach, your life’s mission. Believe in yourself and trust that the universe is in your corner. Reach within, listen to the whispers of your heart, and bring what is within you out into the world. This is how you will begin to manifest and live your wishes and dreams.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 246
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
The greatest gift you can offer yourself and others is having your own life work. Do not concern yourself with comparing yourself to your brother or sister, for that is one of the ego’s traps. Instead, go inward and compare your life to that of your highest will. It is this one and only comparison that will make the greatest difference in your life. Compare the life you have with the life you want. Compare the life you have with the life that will bring you the most love, peace of mind and joy. My brother and sister, stop, be still, and in the moment, in the now, review your current life and compare it to the life you truly desire. Do this and you will start taking responsibility for your destiny. For it is in the now where your destiny is created, and it is in the now that you offer yourself the clarity you need to fulfill your dreams.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 252
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
Footnotes / Acknowledgments
Every effort has been made to provide accurate source attribution. Should any attribution be found to be incorrect, the author welcomes written documentation supporting correction for subsequent printings. For material not in the public domain, selection was made according to generally accepted fair-use standards and practices.
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