Chapter 10 Overview: Taking Responsibility For Your Destiny

Chapter 10: Taking Responsibility For Your Destiny

An excerpt from You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros. 

Your destiny comes about as a result of what you do now. You are responsible for what you do and experience now, therefore you are responsible for the destiny you will experience. You are in a constant state of creating your destiny. Every moment contributes to the destiny you will experience. What you are doing and experiencing now is your current reality. You have a great deal more control over your current reality than your ego has allowed you to remember. In fact, you are in a constant state of creating, manifesting and experiencing your reality. Each moment in your life is created, manifested and experienced by you for your growth and development. Let me further explain what I mean.

Creation is the act of bringing a thought to your mind, forming a plan for its implementation and execution, and putting that plan to action. Manifestation is the physical result of your mental creation. Experience is the way you choose to see and react to your manifestation.

You create and manifest both in the conscious and unconscious state. Most of us have already created and experienced conscious manifestations. Choosing to lose 10 pounds and achieving it, or getting a college degree are two examples of conscious manifestations. If something did not exist in your life, and you made a conscious decision to achieve it or not achieve it – this is an example of a conscious manifestation. It may have taken you a moment, hour, day, month, year or more to create, manifest and experience your current situation, yet the choice to bring this to you was yours. The value in a conscious manifestation lies not in what you can manifest, but in the knowledge that you can manifest whatever it is you choose. Having physical proof, the knowledge that you have the power to manifest your reality allows you to begin opening your mind to the possibility that your physical experience is created, manifested and experienced by you.

What you experience in your physical world is simply a reflection of what is in your mind. Simply changing the thoughts that you allow to enter your mind can change your reality. If your mind lacks clarity, the circumstances that you will manifest in your physical world will also lack clarity. If thoughts of peace and love fill your mind, then the circumstances that you will manifest in your physical world will be equally as peaceful and loving.

Think back to times when you have been in either a good or bad mood, and recall how being in that mood colored your experiences for the day. The world feels tougher, less fair and more hopeless when you are in a bad mood. If you’re in a bad mood, little things upset you much more than if you are in a good mood. Those little or not so little things are still the same; the only thing that changes the way you see them is the kind of mood you’re in, or your mental state. Depending on whether you’re in a peaceful or agitated mental state, those little things will affect you differently. Little by little, you start realizing that reality has nothing to do with what those little things are.

If you will, open your mind and entertain the possibility that it is your mind and not the outside world that needs changing. If the ego accepts this, it would want you to begin this process with the idea that you must improve yourself or become something better in order to have an improved or better life. For a moment, put the ego’s demands aside and simply recognize that this change will not come about by becoming something more or better, but by simply bringing yourself into a closer realignment with who you have always been, your Godself. My friend, you will some day realize that there is nothing easier than being who you truly are. On the deepest level, it is an effortless accomplishment.

You have manifested and continually manifest into your reality certain situations and patterns that assist you in your learning or remembering process. By looking back at your life, you can better understand which lessons you have chosen to learn, and which lessons you are still in the process of learning. Hopefully, you’ll be able to see how perfectly you created your circumstances in order to learn your lessons and complete your patterns. Patterns or lessons repeat themselves because we have not learned from them. We make certain “mistakes” in our lives that we don’t learn from and thus we repeat them until we learn to choose with love and forgiveness. Once we have learned what the pattern is about, it is no longer necessary to experience that pattern. Most patterns keep occurring in our lives because there is some kind of value they hold for us. Once the value is recognized, we are able to release ourselves from the pattern.

Only you can make the final choice of how you see life, of how you react to life, and of how you live life. You may attract others to your life to assist you in your learning process, but it is you who gets to make the final choice of what you will focus on and experience.

When I suggest that you attract others in your life to assist you, I am suggesting that you and others make a spiritual commitment to assist each other in the learning and remembering process, and ultimately in the release of all fear and ego-based patterns. Every brother and sister in your life has made a spiritual commitment to assist you, and you have consciously or unconsciously made a spiritual commitment to assist them in their growth and development. Thus, if your current perception toward any of them is anything but that of gratitude, you will create confusion. It is in the state of confusion that patterns and lessons are repeated.

It is your beliefs and perceptions that will drive your focus; and you will experience what you focus on. If this is difficult to grasp, take, for example, two types of people we have all met: optimists and pessimists. Spend an entire day with both of these types of people. If you do this once, you will never again question that a person’s reality, how he or she sees and reacts to the world, is mainly in that person’s mind and has little or nothing to do with the outer physical world.

This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.

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Comments (3)

I was writing a song today about letting go of a feeling of dependency of the women i love so much.We recently decided to give ourselves a break in order to save the love between us. An act of love onto itself. And so suddenly i came up with the lyric `the road of my own choosing`. Since English is not my mother tongue in wrote this sentence into google to see if it was ok to use it in English like that. And so came to your website where i read the rest of the chapter and i felt it came at the right time and in the right moment in my life. It gave me comfort in the pain i was experiencing and gave me strenght to go on and be courageous towards the future , thanks a lot for writing !!@!!
I would like to share the rest of the lyrics with you as well,here goes:
After the fire / After the storm
the air is clear / the earth replenishe the rain washes away / and time will tell / and see us through
Every day / A new beginning
Every day / Another ending
And so life / goes on / Ever changing / Who we are / Where we`ll go / And who we`ll meet On the road of our own choosing
And so I`ll walk on the road of my choosing / following my destiny
After the fire / After the storm
The air is clear / The earth replenished
and the rain washes away / and time will tell / and see us through on the road of our choosing
thanks a lot !!! (becoming responsible for your own destiny).

I am starting to realize how much my outer world is shaped by my inner world. The more I give up blame and accept responsibility for the events in my life, the more peace I feel. Thanks for the reminder.

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