One who is aware of his Godself or true self recognizes it in all. Regardless of his position in the world, he will see you as an equal, a brother or sister in the remembering process. He will look at you as an equal because he recognizes your divinity. His knowledge of himself will strengthen yours. You are here in part to remember your Godself, your divinity. Your Godself is the truth of who you are. The more time you spend during the day in recognition of your divinity, your Godself, the more you’ll become aware of it in your brother, sister, and in the world. So how do you recognize your divinity? If you feel anything that does not reflect peace, love or joy, then you are not in recognition of your Godself, your divinity. When you are experiencing or expressing any type of negativity, you are not in recognition of your divinity. Peace, love and joy reflect the presence of God. Peace, love and joy are natural extensions and expressions of someone who has allowed himself or herself the recognition of his or her Godself. Please note that someone extending and expressing his or her Godself will never judge you for how you choose to feel or behave.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 51-52
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
For some people, the recognition of their divinity begins their pursuit of a more spiritually fulfilling life. Some people fear that if they begin pursuing a more spiritually fulfilling life, they will somehow separate themselves from their current reality. If you have these concerns, do not fear becoming disconnected from family and friends, your workplace and peers. Fear is an illusion and, as such, it is not real. It is a false belief. Understand that even today, you are in a state of constant communication with individuals who have totally different perceptions than you. It is by recognizing this never-ending connection that your fear of disconnection begins to dissolve.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 52
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
Imagine you are working on a jigsaw puzzle. You put pieces together in one corner and you can see a small house. You may work on a completely different area next, and a tree might appear. They don’t seem to be connected until later, when you work on another part and a country scene unfolds. The tree and the house are complete within themselves, but they are also parts of the bigger picture. You may have already discovered that seemingly unimportant things you learned, jobs you took and experiences you had all fit together in a way you couldn’t have anticipated at the time. It was only later, when you saw the bigger picture, that you realized the importance of certain things. Your higher self has a larger plan for your life, and every experience you have will fit together and give you value in some way, even if you don’t yet know. (3)
– Sanaya Roman, Spiritual Growth, Being Your Higher Self
Cited in You Have Chosen to Remember, p. 54
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
My soul spoke to me and counseled me to love all that others hate,
And to befriend those whom others defame.
My soul counseled me and revealed unto me that love dignifies not alone the one who loves, but also the beloved.
Unto that day love was for me a thread of cobweb between two flowers, close to one another;
But now it has become a halo with neither beginning nor end,
Encircling all that has been, and waxing eternally to embrace all that shall be.
My soul counseled me and taught me to see beauty veiled by form and color.
My soul charged me to gaze steadfastly upon all that is deemed ugly until it appears lovely
Before my soul had thus charged and counseled me, I had seemed to see beauty like unto wavering torches between pillars of smoke;
But now the smoke has dispersed and vanished and I see naught but the burning.
My soul counseled me and charged me to listen for voices that rise neither from the tongue nor the throat.
Before that day I heard but dully, and naught save clamor and loud cries came to my ears;
But now I have learned to listen to silence,
To hear its choirs singing the songs of ages,
Chanting the hymns of space, and disclosing the secrets of eternity.
My soul spoke to me and counseled me to quench my thirst with that wine which may not be poured into cups,
Nor lifted by hands, nor touched by lips.
Unto that day my thirst was like a dim spark laid in ashes
To be put out by a drought from any spring;
But now my strong yearning has become my cup,
Love has become my wine, and loneliness my joy.
My soul counseled me and charged me to seek that which is unseen;
And my soul revealed unto me that the thing we grasp is the thing we desire.
In other days I was content with warmth in winter, and with a cooling zephyr in the summer season;
But now my fingers are become as mist,
Letting fall all that they have held, to mingle with the unseen that I now desire.
My soul spoke to me and invited me to breathe the fragrance from a plant
That has neither root nor stalk nor blossom, and that no eye has seen.
Before my soul counseled me thus, I sought perfumes in the gardens,
In jars of sweet-smelling herbs and vessels of incense;
But now I am aware only of an incense that may not be burned,
I breathe an air more fragrant than all earth’s gardens and all the winds of space.
My soul counseled me and charged me to answer and say: “I follow,” when the unknown and the adventurous call unto me.
Hitherto I had answered naught but the voice of the crier in the market place,
Nor did I pursue aught save roads charted and well trodden;
But now the known has become a steed that I mount to seek the unknown,
And the road has become a ladder by which I may climb to the perilous summit.
My soul counseled me and admonished me to measure time with this saying:
“There was a yesterday and there shall be a tomorrow.”
Unto that hour I deemed the past an epoch that is lost and shall be forgotten,
And the future I deemed an era that I may not attain;
But now I have learned this:
That in the brief present all time, with all that is in time,
Is achieved and come true.
My soul spoke and revealed unto me that I am not bound in space by the words:
“Here, there, and over there.”
Hitherto I stood upon my hill, and every other hill seemed distant and far away;
But now I know that the hill whereon I dwell is indeed all hills,
And the valley whereunto I descend comprehends all valleys.
My soul counseled me and besought me to watch while others sleep
And to seek my pillow while they are wakeful,
For in all my years I had not perceived their dreams, nor they mine.
But now I am winged by day in my dreaming,
And when they sleep I behold them free upon the night,
And I rejoice in their freedom.
My soul counseled me and charged me lest I be exalted because of over praise
And lest I distressed for fear of blame.
Until that day I doubted the work of my own handiwork;
But now I have learned this:
That the trees blossom in spring, and bear fruit in summer,
And drop their leaves in autumn to become utterly naked in winter
Without exaltation and without fear or shame.
My soul counseled me and assured me
That I am neither higher than the pygmy nor lower than the giant.
Before that day I beheld mankind as two men,
The one a weakling whom I derided or pitied,
And the other a mighty man whom I would either follow, or oppose in rebellion.
But now I know that I was formed even from the same dust of which all men are created,
That my elements are their elements, and my inner self is their inner self.
My struggle is their struggle, and their pilgrimage is mine own.
If they transgress, I am also the transgressor,
And if they do well, then I have a share in their well-doing.
If they arise, I too arise with them; if they stay behind, I also, to company them.
My soul counseled me and instructed me to see that the light which I carry is not my light,
That my song was not created within me;
For though I travel with the light, I am not the light,
And though I am a lute fastened with strings,
I am not the lute-player.
My soul counseled me, my brother, and enlightened me.
And oftentimes has your soul counseled and enlightened you.
For you are like me, and there is no difference between us
Save that I speak of what is within me in words that I have heard in my silence,
And you guard what is within you, and your guardianship is as goodly as my much speaking. (5)
– Kahlil Gibran, My Soul Counseled Me
Cited in You Have Chosen to Remember, p. 68-73
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
You are the vehicle God uses to express Himself on this planet. Allow Him to flow through you. It is only by allowing this that His expression can be experienced. Believe it or not, you have the final decision on what will flow through you and into the world. Not even God would force Himself through you, unless you allow Him to. When you allow God to flow through you, this is your natural flow, this is your true self, and this is your Godself. My friend, if you allow God to flow through you, you would want no other way. When you allow God to flow through you, peace, love and joy extend through you and into the world. Forgiveness and love are offered immediately to your brother and sister. And what you offer your brother and sister, you experience yourself, for it must first flow through you. Allow yourself to see and feel His expression being expressed through His other vehicles and all you will ever experience will be peace of mind, love and joy.
– James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of You Have Chosen to Remember: A
Journey from Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 131-132
Read the section of the book that this inspirational quote comes from.
Footnotes / Acknowledgments
Every effort has been made to provide accurate source attribution. Should any attribution be found to be incorrect, the author welcomes written documentation supporting correction for subsequent printings. For material not in the public domain, selection was made according to generally accepted fair-use standards and practices.
(3). Sanaya Roman, Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self, Copyright 2000 (H.J. Kramer).
(5). Kahlil Gibran, My Soul Counseled Me, (Copyright and publisher unknown).
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