
Meditation: Love, A Physical Sensation of God’s Embrace

Creating Your Own Personal Peace Workshop

Daily Inspirational Messages with James Blanchard Cisneros

Daily Inspiration: August 30. Love, A Physical Sensation of God’s Embrace (Meditation) – Condensed Version

Daily Inspirational Messages with James Blanchard Cisneros

Daily Inspiration: January 2. Our Journey’s Purpose Resides Within Us Now

Today we choose to leave this world, not through death, but by changing our minds about its purpose. Today we end our outside search for a truth and purpose that has always resided within. Respectfully, today we do not ask our family, friends, peers, or society what we should or should not do or be, instead we go within and ask our souls to remind us of why we made the choice to come here, and what our sacred mission is…

Finding Closure with a Non-Available Ex-Partner or Someone who has Passed Away

Inspiring message with video commentary: “Finding Closure with a Non-Available Ex-Partner or Someone who has Passed Away” by James Blanchard Cisneros.