Daily Inspiration: August 29. Good Morning Gratitude! – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


How many times have we woken up and made the conscious decision to dedicate our day to gratitude? Isn’t every breath we take a gift from God to us? Isn’t every moment on this planet, in essence, an acknowledgment by God that He needs us here now? Today, through our thoughts, words and actions, let us devote this day to gratitude. Let us be thankful that we have not been left to wander in the wilderness alone. Let us recall that Love always walks with and within us. Thanks to free will, God is always just a thought away. Let us trust this and be at peace knowing that we are forever safe and sound. Each one of us is God’s child, and thus the physical expression and representative of Love on Earth. Today, through gratitude, let us represent Love, and in doing so remind others of the ever-present availability of Love.

Today, let us not allow one single person that comes to mind — to leave it without our gratitude. Every person that God presents to us today is offering us the opportunity to practice remembering that we have the ability to make gratitude our constant companion. When we know that gratitude will be our primary response to everyone and all, would the state of peace not also become a constant companion? Thus, isn’t everyone, in their own unique ways, helping us recall that in each moment and interaction we are worthy of peace? Aren’t they worthy of our gratitude for helping us see that? Today, through the act of gratitude, we recall that we are worthy and capable enough to humbly represent God on Earth. Today, through the act of gratitude, everyone is helping us experience this world as God created it for us to enjoy and share. For that, let us offer everyone our sincere appreciation.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (2)

Beautiful.❤️Thank you so much!

Thank you Mary for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

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