Daily Inspiration: November 20. This World is a Reflection of the Thoughts We Think – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


You define this world through the thoughts you choose and think. Everything “out there” is given definition by you. When you work on developing a more peaceful mind, the world you see through this lens and mindset will appear more peaceful. Equally so, if your mind is in a confused, fearful and chaotic state, then this is the world that you will see and experience. It is thus your mindset, not the external world, that is responsible for what you are seeing and thus how you are participating in it. Your thoughts drive how you interact in this world. If you are not at peace with how you are interacting with and experiencing this world, then focus within on the thoughts that you yourself are choosing to support with your time, focus and energy. Then remember that, thanks to free will, today you can redesign and build the world that you would like to experience.

Today, if your thoughts show you a world that you do not want, do not despair. Instead, learn to use such moments to practice taking back control of your thoughts, and thus your mind, from the ego’s past programs. Remember that only you can decide what thoughts to think. It is the thoughts you think that end up defining and coloring the world you see. When you lack peace, simply recall who your Creator is, Love, the Father of peace, and that you are His child and creation. Peace is thus your inheritance and natural state. When you are not at peace, your mind is somewhere it does not belong. Again, if this occurs, do not despair. Simply realign your mind with the love that is your eternal essence and nature. Then invite Love to lead the way. Ask yourself, “In this moment, what would Love have me think, say and do?” Then think, say and do only that. As you do, you will reflect and thus help design and build the world that you were created by God, Love, to create — a world that one day your children will be delighted to inherit.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (4)

Thank you, I need to hear this. I have been listening to a negative, judgmental internal voice for a while now and it’s becoming exhausting, only causing me more separation and distance…..

Thank you Joseph for being open to the message.

Let us learn to use this negative self talk, not to dive deeper into the darkness, but instead use it as a trigger that calls us to practice self-forgiveness. By doing so we begin to take back control of our own thoughts and mind. When we learn to use even the bad for good we begin to realize the gift that every moment, interaction, and circumstance presents to us. When we learn to use even the bad for good we become grateful and at peace knowing that it is now the loving truth in us who is in control of our thoughts and thus of our minds and lives. It is when the loving truth in us is back in control that this negative self talk begin to dissolve away before our light and greater understanding.

Peace. JBC

Thank you Kimberly for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

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