Daily Inspiration: September 10. What is Success? – Condensed Version

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In the world of duality, success and failure can be measured in numerous ways. In truth, you achieve success simply through your participation in the life experience. You experience growth, and that is what you have come here to do. If you accomplish what you have come here to do, then you have succeeded. With this in mind, there is no further need to ever talk about the fabricated concept of being a successful human being. The concepts of success and failure are both fabrications of the ego. They are pushed to try to place limitations and parameters around the sacred nature of the path that you have co-designed with the Divine. You are Perfection’s creation. You cannot add to Perfection. You cannot subtract from Perfection. You cannot fail. You cannot not accomplish what you have co-designed with the Divine to do.

Today, let us practice letting go of the old stress producing ideas of what success is. Let us instead take a deep breath, relax and recognize that, because we have co-created our journeys with Perfection, our journeys cannot be anything other than successful and perfect for us. Let us also drop our ego’s delusional demands to compare ourself to others. Instead, let us recall that our journeys are unique and perfect for us, just as their journeys are unique and perfect for them. Thus comparisons serve no useful purpose. Being God’s creations, we will all accomplish what we have come here to do. When this is understood, what further need would you have to waste your time and energy judging yourself and others for the ways each of us chooses to grow, heal and awaken? Today, gently place your judgments down and simply become who the Creator of the universe created you to be. Do so and your success is assured.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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