video of James reading with commentary |
The sentient beings that we call animals are meant to be our friends and companions, not our food. Animals are God’s creations. They too are here to love and to be loved. Being all One, you cannot treat any creation of Love un-lovingly and still think of yourself as fully worthy of love and being loved. You cannot treat a part of the Whole un-lovingly, and still love every part of yourself. I do understand that in certain parts of this world, people have little choice. This message is not for those who don’t have a choice. Nor is this message meant to judge anyone’s choices, whatever they may be. This message is simply trying to offer another way to live in a higher vibrational state. A more gentle and loving path helps raise your vibration. Raising the vibrational quality of your food raises the vibration of your body and thus of your physical and mental health. The higher your vibration, the more aligned you will be with the mind of God, and thus the more peace and joy you will experience.
Today, let us recall that some foods are as toxic to us as some of the thoughts that we think. Judgment, anxiousness, anger and resentment corrupt our mind. Factory farmed animals, processed foods, dairy and simple sugars corrupt our body which then creates dysfunction in our mind. What is acidic and corrosive in nature is poisonous and destructive to our body, mind and soul. But do not worry. For in any moment, we can choose to think more loving, kind and compassionate thoughts, and we can choose to consume healthier foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Today, let us practice making more self-loving choices, and by doing so, treat and love all the sentient beings on this planet like we ourself would like to be treated and loved.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.
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Thank you for your beautiful thoughts and words on a somewhat touchy subject…we are NOT above other feeling, sentient beings because we a “human “.
As a long time vegan, I applaud you for stepping forward with your advice and understanding of how the consumption of once living, breathing life forms are detrimental to our health and well being!
Thank you Linda for your kind words and for being a member of our community.
Indeed we are all One, not just all humans as One, but everyone, everything and all as One.
With that said, most scientific literature shows that a plant base diet, free from animal protein and process foods, is the healthiest diet for humankind. What is healthiest for us, is best, not only for our bodies, but also for our minds and souls.
If people decide they want to eat meat, then maybe fish for their omega 3s would be fine to include with the plant based diet.
Peace. JBC
This is a very challenging post. I hear what you are saying and now feel very uncomfortable with my lifestyle but, having been brought up in a farming family in the UK, I don’t know where to start. It will be hard to justify my actions to my family who wouldn’t recognise your description of animal husbandry. That said, I have been feeling increasingly uncomfortable about eating meat in recent times.
Thank you Fiona for being open to this message and for being a member of our community. Please do note, that I would never say that someone’s lifestyle is wrong. I am just offering you, the highest message I can. The highest message should feel right to those who read it, but if it does not feel right for them, then it is not right for them right now.
I, myself was raised on a animal protein centered diet. I live that lifestyle for many decades. At 40, I started paying for that lifestyle in terms of my health. By 45 the doctors had me on six different medications, which only worsen my health. At 46, when it came to diet, I decided to stop letting doctors lead me, and began to lead myself with the assistant of Source. At 50, I was on no medications, thanks in large part to having a plant based, no process food, no animal protein diet(though sure, every now and then, for say 5% of the time, I might fall back into old unhealthy habits).
When it comes to your family, just tell you feel better, both physically and mentally eating less meat. Maybe begin to lower your animal daily servings from say 3 to 2 a day, then after a couple of weeks, from 2 to 1 a day, then after a couple of weeks from 1 a day to 4-5 a week, and so on and so forth, until you rarely eat any animal products. As you do so, increase your workouts, even if those workouts are just walking. Then as you feel healthier and happier, and better, you will serve as an example to your family of what true health looks and feels like.
Focus on yourself, on healing yourself, on feeling better about yourself, on educating yourself about health and healing, and by doing so, you will become a greater light to your family and others. If they change or not, that is their journey, not yours. Do not judge them. Love them no matter what. But keep your focus on your own light, and it will be your light shining brighter and brighter each day, that will begin to lovingly awaken many.
Peace. JBC