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Failure Is a False Idea, A Fabrication of the Ego
This short inspiring video can be enjoyed all year long. It is also the video of the Daily Inspiration Message for April 2, (condensed version) with James Blanchard Cisneros.
Failure is a false concept perpetuated by people who cannot figure out why things did not go the way their ego thought they should have. For example, if a relationship was not lifelong, then it was somehow a “failure.” In reality, you will never experience a relationship, be it for a day or a lifetime, that is a failure. You have come together to experience growth, and that is what you have done. If you have done what you came together to do, then you have succeeded. A natural pulling apart sensation may be experienced when you are concluding what you have come together to do. This is not a sign of failure. It is a sign of a mission accomplished, of a success. The false concept of failure is used by the ego to try to separate you from God. For if you think of yourself as a failure, then how could you possibly be a part of a perfect God?
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To read this Daily Inspiration: April 2. Failure Is a False Idea, A Fabrication of the Ego? – Condensed Version, please click here…