Daily Inspiration: February 9. Returning to our Natural State, the State of Peace – Condensed Version

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Today, let us practice returning to our natural state, the state of peace. We can do this by making our primary goal for the day to consciously move in the direction of peace. Before any interaction, we can remind ourself, “Peace is my goal for this interaction.” By bringing this goal to our awareness, we awaken to the understanding that thanks to free will, peace is always just a choice away. By making peace our goal, the situation then becomes a means to achieve it. If during the interaction we feel out of alignment with our goal, we can quickly remind ourself of it, take a deep breath, and correct our path. Today, we are being proactive about bringing a greater sense of peace into our life and, because we are all One, into the lives of others.

Today, let us see every interaction as an opportunity to bring us into a more conscious alignment with the state of peace. Peace, as an expression of Love, is our natural state of mind. When we are not at peace, we are not in our natural state of mind. Today, through the goal of peace, we align with our natural state of mind. During the interaction, if you find yourself out of alignment with your goal, take a deep breath, forgive yourself and others, and return to peace. Then internally offer your brother or sister gratitude for being a part of a process that has helped you depart from a judgment-centric mindset that never delivered the state of peace to you.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”


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Audio Version

Daily Inspiration: February 9. Returning to our Natural State, the State of Peace – Condensed Version


Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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