Ask the Author: Question & Response
The messages within your book “You Have Chosen to Remember” present brilliantly simple strategies for subtly shifting beyond limited thinking. As someone who has been regularly reading spiritual books for 15 years, I am taken by the way this book provides excellent support for developing a conscious state of awareness. How did you develop the ideas within this book?
– Jennifer, Wisconsin, USA
My friend, there is nothing easier than being who you are. When you say “You have Chosen to Remember” provides excellent support for developing a conscious state of awareness, I thank you, but again I am simply reminding you of who you already are. Being who you are takes no effort at all, it is an effortless accomplishment. What can be hard is trying to be who you are not. When you limit yourself in any way, you are being who you are not. When you are in a stressful state, you are being who you are not. When you support any activity that is hurtful to yourself or others you are being who you are not.
Jotting your feelings and emotions on paper allows you to look back to see how you reacted in certain situations. Even just a couple of hours a week can be extremely helpful in obtaining clarity. If your goal is peace of mind and happiness, then try to support activities, emotions, feelings, actions and reactions that support these goals. Writing in a journal allows you to separate those activities, emotions, feelings, actions and reactions that support peace and joy and those that don’t. Looking back, you might see times when you thought you were correct in reacting the way you did, yet this “correct response” might not have offered you peace of mind and joy. In such a case, a decision between being right or finding peace and being happy might need to be taken. The result that you value most will be the one that you will support. The value that you support will be the value you will experience.
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This question and response can be found in the book - There is Another Way: Overcoming Real World Challenges. If you enjoyed this Q&A, you'll really enjoy the book which is filled with inspiration and effective strategies for overcoming life's challenges. The book is due to come out in 2025. Click here to sign up for our newsletter so that you can be notified when it is ready. Thanks.