Strategies To Create a Fulfilling Life

Ask the Author: Question & Response

Hello, my name is Katherine and I am 14. I very much wonder if there is more to life than what I am seeing lately. I have been thinking differently than usual. I am starting to recognize what life itself is all about, but I am still not entirely sure. I was wondering if you could give me a few tips on how to fulfill it to my full ability.
Thanks mate.

– Katherine, London, England

My friend, below I include nine tips that I believe will assist you on your journey. I also encourage you to read a previously written question and answer written to a young woman around your age, from India. That Q & A includes another ten tips which are of equal importance. Read through them, think about them, and consider implementing them in your life.

1. Realize your connection to all other human beings. We all come from the same Source. This Source has different names around the world. For the purpose of this discussion, we will call this Source – God. You are connected to God, and all people are connected to God. Therefore you are connected to all people. Whatever you feel for your fellow being, and however you react to your fellow being, are the emotions that you feel and experience within yourself. For example, if you get angry with people, if you say negative or hurtful things to them – everything that you say or do to them – you feel and experience within yourself first because everything you say or do must first flow through you before it is experienced by others. Equally so, if you are generous, kind and loving to others, you feel these emotions and energies flowing through you first. Thus the idea that we are all connected. Know that how you treat others – is how you are treating yourself. Be kind to others and you’ll be kind to yourself.

2. Do not waste your time with judgment. The best way for you to grow may not be the best way for another person to grow. Thus do not waste your time judging other people or how they choose to grow. Instead, concern yourself with how you are choosing to grow. If you want love, peace of mind and joy in your life, then offer these qualities to all your brothers and sisters. When I use the term “brothers and sisters,” I mean all human beings. When you judge others, you experience a feeling of heaviness and sadness within you, and the more you do so, the heavier and sadder you feel. When you love and accept others, you feel a sense of liberation, a sense of lightness within. Look upon people with compassionate eyes. Do so, and you will experience a more compassionate world.

3. Trust that God has the perfect plan in place for all of us. Every day when you wake up, tell yourself that you are going to be the kindest, most loving person you can be. Simply do your best every day and then trust that God is taking care of you. Many times in our lives, things may not be working out the way we believe they should, yet when we look back at our lives, we see that everything really turned out perfectly. Thus, if we would have only trusted God a little more, we would have freed ourselves from the wasted energy of worrying. The next time something happens that you do not agree with, and you have done all that you can to make it better, just tell God, “I do not know what you are up to, but I’m not going to worry anymore. I know you have my best interests in mind, and I thank you for that. I now leave all my worries in your hands. Thank you God. Amen.”

4. Use forgiveness as a tool every day. Forgive everyone because when you do – it releases you from the negativity that judgment forces you to carry. Forgiving people sets you free. Choosing not to forgive someone does not do you any good. It weighs you down with harsh emotions that you carry around with you, even into your bed at night. Withholding forgiveness can have you tossing and turning all night long. Instead, just forgive, give all your worries over to God, and sleep in peace. If you have to forgive a friend over and over again, with no effort on your friend’s part to improve or make amends, maybe it’s a good idea to find a friend who is more positively aligned with you.

5. Become aware of the true power of your mind. The life you create comes from the choices that you make within your mind. You have the power within you now to become a positive or negative thinking person. For example, let’s say two people take a test and they don’t do well. The positive thinking person might say to herself: “Okay, how can I do better? What can I change to make my next test, my next experience, a more positive one? Let me talk to my teachers, parents and friends who did well and come up with a plan to do great on my next test!” The negative thinking person might see her bad grade and say: “I’m terrible in this subject. This is not worth it. There is no point in studying anymore. The teacher is dumb. I’m dumb. And this subject is dumb. I am just going to quit.” So you see, the same thing can happen to two people, they both receive bad test scores, and yet they can take two totally different approaches to the event, make two totally different decisions and create two totally different experiences and lives. Life is not so much about what happens on the outside, but how you choose to deal with it on the inside. In the end, it is you who has the power to live the life you truly desire to live. That is the power you have been gifted with, the power of free will.

6. Feed your soul by volunteering. It can be an hour or two a week. Question your mind, look within and ask yourself: “What do I really care about? How can I make this planet a better, kinder and more loving place?” Truly go within and ask yourself what you are drawn to. Is it reading to the elderly? Is it helping animals? Is it feeding the poor? Look within, feel what areas in life you are most passionate about and then focus your energy on them. If you don’t yet know, then try different experiences to see how they feel to you. When you give to others, you give to yourself because we are all connected. This is something that I promise you will feel. And as you do, you will be feeding your own soul, and your soul will grow because of your actions. As you discover what you are passionate about, you will also be discovering who you are and why you are here.

7. Practice becoming who you wish to become. You may not fully recognize this yet, but in truth, you are a magnificent being. Think of this: God thought, and from that thought you/your soul was created. In the most literal sense, you are God’s thought expressing itself in physical form through your human body. When you are expressing generosity, kindness, love, compassion, forgiveness and understanding, you are offering this truth to others. Look for opportunities to bring this truth into your life every day. There are innumerable moments throughout your day when you can do this – from showing kindness by opening a door for someone, to talking to a kid in school that others make fun of or avoid. Look into that lonely child’s eyes as you speak to him or her and express your true self. No child should ever be ridiculed; no child should ever have to hold his or her head down; no child should ever be bullied by others; and no child should ever feel lonely and alone. My dear friend, any moment spent making someone feel better about him or herself is a moment when Heaven’s angels will sing in honor of your action. My dear friend, any moment you assist in healing another’s pain is a moment you help heal and balance this world. My dear friend, you are the manifested thought of God on this planet, and so too are your brothers and sisters, and all your fellow beings. Let them see the truth in you shining through, so that they may remember their own light. Be an example to others of the light, beauty and wisdom within us all.

8. If your true desire is to walk in the light, then walk with those who live in the light. The teenage years are usually a confusing time for young adults. Experimentation and learning is combined with recklessness and a lack of maturity in understanding that every action actually produces a consequence, which sooner or later has to be dealt with. The more reckless and undisciplined the youth, the more that youth may slip into a dark space. Drugs, excessive alcohol and other self-destructive behaviors are brought about, in large part, due to a lack of self-love and understanding of what their true selves desire. Those traveling that path invariably hurt themselves and others because they are hurting inside. Those who are hurting inside use peer pressure to have others experience what they are experiencing. They feel hurt and want those around them to feel and experience their inner pain. People who want you to experience pain or self-destructive behaviors are not your true friends; they are simply lost souls. No one who is walking in the light would want you to experience pain or force you into self-destructive behaviors. Those who are walking in the light will treat you with the respect and honor that they wish to be treated with. Those who are walking in the light act with compassion, forgiveness, kindness and love.

9. Everything in balance. In this age of media and technology, there exists innumerable products, TV shows, web sites and ads that distort truth in such a way that it can confuse a person into believing that what they are selling actually has something to do with what’s truly important and real. I am not saying not to look at these things, but keep everything in balance. If you choose to spend an hour in front of the TV watching the “Real World” on MTV, or whatever the latest “reality” TV show is, then consider spending another hour reading an uplifting book. If you spend an hour shopping for the latest clothes and products, then spend another hour sorting through your things for items you no longer use to give to charity. If you feel mad or sad and spend an hour thinking negative thoughts about your parents or friends, don’t judge yourself for doing so. Instead, spend an hour doing something nice for them, or saying something nice about them. If you want to eat junk food, do so, but then take a nice hike, bike ride or do something else to get exercise before the day is over. If you’re having a bad day and you jump on someone with angry or nasty words, don’t compound it by judging yourself as bad. Instead, first correct your behavior within your mind, then apologize as soon as possible and definitely before going to bed at night. If someone says something mean or nasty to you, instead of saying something mean or nasty back, stop yourself – for what has this kind of response ever accomplished? Instead, try working with the person to develop kinder and more positive ways of interacting with each other.

My friend, the previous nine tips will assist you in experiencing clarity in your life. I am delighted that you asked your question. I promise that by the simple creation of your question, you will assist many people that you will never even meet. I promise that by following these steps, you will become an even brighter light on this planet.

9.  Everything in balance. In this age of media and technology, there exists innumerable products, TV shows, web sites and ads that distort truth in such a way that it can confuse a person into believing that what they are selling actually has something to do with what’s truly important and real. I am not saying not to look at these things, but keep everything in balance. If you choose to spend an hour in front of the TV watching the “Real World” on MTV, or whatever the latest “reality” TV show is, then consider spending another hour reading an uplifting book. If you spend an hour shopping for the latest clothes and products, then spend another hour sorting through your things for items you no longer use to give to charity. If you feel mad or sad and spend an hour thinking negative thoughts about your parents or friends, don’t judge yourself for doing so. Instead, spend an hour doing something nice for them, or saying something nice about them. If you want to eat junk food, do so, but then take a nice hike, bike ride or do something else to get exercise before the day is over. If you’re having a bad day and you jump on someone with angry or nasty words, don’t compound it by judging yourself as bad. Instead, first correct your behavior within your mind, then apologize as soon as possible and definitely before going to bed at night. If someone says something mean or nasty to you, instead of saying something mean or nasty back, stop yourself – for what has this kind of response ever accomplished? Instead, try working with the person to develop kinder and more positive ways of interacting with each other.

My friend, the previous nine tips will assist you in experiencing clarity in your life. I am delighted that you asked your question. I promise that by the simple creation of your question, you will assist many people that you will never even meet. I promise that by following these steps, you will become an even brighter light on this planet.


This Q&A Includes The Following Topics:
  • Feeling confused.
  • Developing peace of mind and clarity.


This question and response can be found in the book - There is Another Way: Overcoming Real World Challenges. If you enjoyed this Q&A, you'll really enjoy the book which is filled with inspiration and effective strategies for overcoming life's challenges. The book is due to come out in 2025. Click here to sign up for our newsletter so that you can be notified when it is ready. Thanks.

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